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Author: not-set


� Institut pro evropskou politiku životního prostředí (2006): Změna klimatu a přírodní katastrofy: vědecký důkaz možných souvislostí mezi nedávnými přírodními katastrofami a změnou klimatu (Climate change and natural disasters: Scientific evidence of a possible relation between recent natural disasters and climate change), zpráva pro Výbor pro životní prostředí EP (IP/A/ENVI/FWC/2005-35), 25. ledna 2006.
� Institut for Europæisk Miljøpolitik (2006): Climate change and natural disasters: Scientific evidence of a possible relation between recent natural disasters and climate change, rapport til Europa-Parlamentets miljøudvalg (IP/A/ENVI/FWC/2005-35), 25.1.2006.
� Ινστιτούτο Ευρωπαϊκής Περιβαλλοντικής Πολιτικής (2006): Climate change and natural disasters: Scientific evidence of a possible relation between recent natural disasters and climate change, Έκθεση για την επιτροπή περιβάλλοντος του ΕΚ (IP/A/ENVI/FWC/2005-35), 25 Ιανουαρίου 2006.
� Institute for European Environmental Policy (2006): Climate change and natural disasters: Scientific evidence of a possible relation between recent natural disasters and climate change, policy brief for the European Parliament's Environment Committee (IP/A/ENVI/FWC/2005-35), 25 January 2006.
� Institute for European Environmental Policy (2006): Climate change and natural disasters: Scientific evidence of a possible relation between recent natural disasters and climate change, Informe para la Comisión de Medio Ambiente del Parlamento Europeo (IP/A/ENVI/FWC/2005-35), 25.1.2006.
� Institute for European Environmental Policy (2006): Climate change and natural disasters: Scientific evidence of a possible relation between recent natural disasters and climate change, raportti Euroopan parlamentin ympäristövaliokunnalle (IP/A/ENVI/FWC/2005-35) 25. tammikuuta 2006.
� Institute for European Environmental Policy (2006): Climate change and natural disasters: Scientific evidence of a possible relation between recent natural disasters and climate change, rapport pour la commission de l'environnement du Parlement européen (IP/A/ENVI/FWC/2005-35), 25 janvier 2006.
� Institute for European Environmental Policy (2006): Climate change and natural disasters: Scientific evidence of a possible relation between recent natural disasters and climate change, Jelentés az Európai Parlament környezetvédelmi bizottságának (IP/A/ENVI/FWC/2005-35), 2006. január 25.
� Institute for European Environmental Policy (2006): Climate change and natural disasters: Scientific evidence of a possible relation between recent natural disasters and climate change, relazione destinata alla commissione per l'ambiente del Parlamento europeo (IP/A/ENVI/FWC/2005-35), 25 gennaio 2006.
� Europos aplinkos politikos institutas (2006): Climate change and natural disasters: Scientific evidence of a possible relation between recent natural disasters and climate change, Pranešimas EP Aplinkos, visuomenės sveikatos ir maisto saugos komitetui (IP/A/ENVI/FWC/2005-35), 2006 m. sausio 25 d.
� Institute for European Environmental Policy (2006): Climate change and natural disasters: Scientific evidence of a possible relation between recent natural disasters and climate change, rapport voor de Commissie milieubeheer van het Europees Parlement (IP/A/ENVI/FWC/2005-35), 25 januari 2006.
� Instytut Europejskiej Polityki Ochrony Środowiska (2006): Zmiany klimatyczne i klęski żywiołowe: dowody naukowe świadczące o możliwym związku pomiędzy niedawnymi klęskami żywiołowymi i zmianami klimatycznymi, wytyczne polityczne dla Komisji Ochrony Środowiska Parlamentu Europejskiego (IP/A/ENVI/FWC/2005-35), 25 stycznia 2006 r.
� Institute for European Environmental Policy (2006): Climate change and natural disasters: Scientific evidence of a possible relation between recent natural disasters and climate change, relatório da Comissão do Ambiente do Parlamento Europeu (IP/A/ENVI/FWC/2005-35), 25 de Janeiro de 2006.
� Inštitút pre európsku environmentálnu politiku (2006): Klimatické zmeny a živelné pohromy: vedecký dôkaz možných súvislostí medzi nedávnymi prírodnými katastrofami a klimatickými zmenami (Climate change and natural disasters: Scientific evidence of a possible relation between recent natural disasters and climate change), správa pre Výbor Európskeho parlamentu pre životné prostredie (IP/A/ENVI/FWC/2005-35), 25. januára 2006.
� Institute for European Environmental Policy (2006): Climate change and natural disasters: Scientific evidence of a possible relation between recent natural disasters and climate change, föredragning för Europaparlamentets miljöutskott (IP/A/ENVI/FWC/2005-35), 25 januari 2006.


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