Besonderhede van voorbeeld: -8260201680977964121


Author: EurLex-2


Den administrerende direktoer anmodede paa moedet i Senior Management Committee marketingsdirektoeren om "to give adequate consideration in formulating the marketing strategy of how to reward loyalty to those merchants who remained exclusively with" BG ("i forbindelse med fastlaeggelsen af markedsfoeringsstrategien at traeffe hensigtsmaessige foranstaltninger til beloenning af de grossisters loyalitet, som udelukkende foretager indkoeb hos" BG).
Auf der Sitzung des Senior Management Committee forderte der Geschäftsführer den Marketingleiter auf, "to give adequate consideration in formulating the marketing strategy of how to reward loyalty to those merchants who remained exclusively with" BG ("bei der Festlegung der Absatzstrategien angemessen zu berücksichtigen, wie die Loyalität der Händler belohnt werden kann, die weiterhin ausschließlich von BG beziehen").
Ο γενικός διευθυντής έδωσε, κατά τη συνεδρίαση του Senior Management Comittee, εντολή στον διευθυντή πωλήσεων "to give adequate consideration in formulating the marketing strategy of how to reward loyalty to those merchants who remained exclusively with" BG ("να διαμορφώσει στρατηγική μάρκετινγκ με την οποία η ΒG θα μπορούσε να ανταμείβει την πίστη των εμπόρων που παρέμεναν αποκλειστικά με το μέρος μας").
At the meeting of the Senior Management Committee, the Managing Director instructed the Marketing Director "to give adequate consideration in formulating the market strategy of how to reward loyalty to those merchants who remained exclusively with" BG.
Durante la reunión del Senior Management Committee, el Director General pidió al Director Comercial "to give adequate consideration in formulating the marketing strategy of how to reward loyalty to those merchants who remained exclusively with" BG ("a la hora de formular su estrategia tenga en consideración la forma de recompensar la fidelidad de los comerciantes que han negociado exclusivamente con nosotros").
Senior Management Committeen kokouksessa pääjohtaja antoi markkinointijohtajalle ohjeeksi "to give adequate consideration in formulating the marketing strategy of how to reward loyalty to those merchants who remained exclusively with" BG ("kiinnittää markkinointistrategiaa määriteltäessä asianmukaista huomiota siihen, miten voitaisiin palkita niiden kauppiaiden uskollisuus, jotka asioivat yksinomaan BG:n kanssa").
Le directeur général a, lors de la réunion du Senior Management Comittee, donné pour instruction au directeur commercial "to give adequate consideration in formulating the marketing strategy of how to reward loyalty to those merchants who remained exclusively with" BG ("prendre les mesures adéquates, lors de l' adoption de la stratégie commerciale, permettant de récompenser la fidélité des marchands qui s' approvisionneraient exclusivement chez" BG).
Durante la riunione del Senior Management Committee il direttore generale ha incaricato il direttore commerciale "to give adequate consideration in formulating the marketing strategy of how to reward loyalty to those merchants who remained exclusively with BG" (di considerare, nel formulare la strategia commerciale, in che modo la BG avrebbe potuto ricompensare la lealtà dei rivenditori che sono rimasti esclusivamente con essa).
O director executivo, aquando da reunião do Senior Management Committee, deu instruções ao director comercial "to give adequate consideration in formulating the marketing strategy of how to reward loyalty to those merchants who remained exclusively with" BG ("para tomar as medidas adequadas, aquando da adopção da estratégia comercial, para recompensar a fidelidade dos revendedores que continuam a negociar exclusivamente com a" BG).
Vid mötet i Senior Management Committee uppmanade verkställande direktören marknadsdirektören "to give adequate consideration in formulating the market strategy of how to reward loyalty to those merchants who remained exclusively with" BG ("att vid utarbetandet av marknadsstrategin ta vederbörlig hänsyn till hur de grossister kan belönas för sin lojalitet som fortsätter att handla enbart hos" BG).


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