Besonderhede van voorbeeld: -830759506140817928



Among the species of bees collected, we differentiate several groups: one of them, includes seven species of bees whose pollen loads are in a high porcentaje of M. pigra (86% of pollen grains or above); another group of bees with high percentage (more than 94%) of pollen grains of Mimosa species (M. pigra and M. pudica); and the other two groups that include the bee species: Trigona dorsalis (who collected more than half of their pollen resources from M. pigra (59.4%) in addition to a high percentage of S. diversifolium (37.8%); the last kind of foragers includes Lasioglossum sp.113 who collected mostly pollen from species different to Mimosa (including P. aduncum with 61.8% of pollen grains, and W. coccinea with 36,4%) and only a small percentage of M. pigra (1,3%).
Uno de ellos, incluye a siete especies de abejas con más del 85% de granos de polen de M. pigra; otro, con cuatro especies de abejas que colectaron más del 94,5% del polen en M. pigra y M. pudica. Adicionalmente, se encontraron especies como Trigona dorsalis con cargas de M. pigra (59,4%), de S. diversifolium (37,8%) y especies de abejas como Lasioglossum sp. 113, en cuyas cargas polínicas predominan los granos de polen de P. aduncum (61,8%) y de W.coccinea (36,4%), en contraste con los de M. pigra (1,3%).


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