Besonderhede van voorbeeld: -8415782946186930725


Author: EurLex-2


По-специално Department for Food and Environmental Control (DFEC) на Генералния секретариат на общините е способен да осъществява ефективна проверка на прилагането на действащото законодателство.
(3) Zejména orgán "Department for Food and Environmental Control (DFEC)" generálního sekretariátu pro obce je schopen účinně ověřovat řádné uplatňování platných právních předpisů.
(3) Navnlig er "Department for Food and Environmental Control (DFEC)" under "General Secretariat of the Municipalities" i stand til effektivt at føre kontrol med, om den gældende lovgivning overholdes.
(3) Das "Department for Food and Environmental Control (DFEC)" des Generalsekretariats der Gemeinden ist in der Lage, die ordnungsgemäße Umsetzung der geltenden Rechtsvorschriften wirksam zu überprüfen.
(3) Ειδικότερα, το "Department for Food and Enviromental Control (DFEC) of the General Secretariat of the Municipalities", είναι σε θέση να ελέγχει αποτελεσματικά την εφαρμογή της ισχύουσας νομοθεσίας.
(3) In particular, the Department for Food and Environmental Control (DFEC) of the General Secretariat of the Municipalities, is capable of effectively verifying the implementation of the legislation in force.
(3) El "Department for Food and Enviromental Control (DFEC) of the General Secretariat of the Municipalities", está capacitado para verificar efectivamente el cumplimiento de las leyes en vigor.
(3) Department for Food and Environmental Control (DFEC) oh the General Secretariat of the Municipalities on võimeline tõhusalt kontrollima kehtivate õigusaktide rakendamist.
(3) Erityisesti "Department for Food and Environmental Control (DFEC) of the General Secretariat of the Municipalities" kykenee tehokkaasti tarkastamaan, että voimassa olevaa lainsäädäntöä sovelletaan.
(3) En particulier, le "service de contrôle des denrées alimentaires et de l'environnement (DFEC) du secrétariat général des municipalités" est en mesure de vérifier valablement que la législation en vigueur est bien appliquée.
(3) Különösen a "Department for Food and Environmental Control (DFEC) of the General Secretariat of the Municipalities" képes a hatályban lévő jogszabályok végrehajtásának hatékony ellenőrzésére.
(3) In particolare, il "Department for Food and Environmental Control (DFEC) of the General Secretariat of the Municipalities" è in grado di verificare efficacemente l'applicazione della legislazione vigente.
(3) Visų pirma Savivaldybių Generalinio Sekretoriato Maisto ir aplinkos kontrolės departamentas yra pajėgus efektyviai tikrinti galiojančių įstatymų įgyvendinimą.
(3) Konkrēti, Department for Food and Environmental Control (DFEC) of the General Secretariat of the Municipalities spēj efektīvi pārbaudīt spēkā esošo tiesību aktu īstenošanu.
(3) B’modpartikolari, id-Department dwar il-Kontroll Alimentarju u l-Ambjent (DKAA) tas-Segretarjat Ġenerali tal-Muniċipji, kapaċi effettivament jivverifika l-implimentazzjoni tal-legislazzjon in vigore.
(3) Met name kan het Department for Food and Environmental Control (DFEC) van het General Secretariat of the Municipalities de toepassing van de geldende wetgeving doeltreffend controleren.
(3) W szczególności Departament Kontroli Żywności i Środowiska (DFEC) Sekretariatu Generalnego Gmin może efektywnie weryfikować wykonania obowiązującego ustawodawstwa.
(3) Em particular, o "Department for Food and Enviromental Control (DFEC) of the General Secretariat of the Municipalities" está em condições de verificar eficazmente a aplicação da legislação em vigor;
În special, „Department for Food and Environmental Control (DFEC) of the General Secretariat of the Municipalities” este în măsură să verifice în mod eficient punerea în aplicare a legislației în vigoare.
(3) najmä úrad "Department for Food and Environmnetal Control (DFEC) of the General Secretariat of the Municipalities" je schopný účinne overovať uplatňovanie platných právnych predpisov;
(3) Za učinkovito preverjanje izvajanja veljavne zakonodaje je usposobljen zlasti oddelek "Department for Food and Environmental Control (DFEC)" Generalnega sekretariata občin.
(3) Department for Food and Environmental Control (DFEC) of the General Secretariat of the Municipalities har i synnerhet möjlighet att på ett effektivt sätt kontrollera att gällande lagstiftning tillämpas.


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