Besonderhede van voorbeeld: -8540252743577257160


Author: Setimes


Ο δανός υπουργός Εξωτερικών Περστίγκ Μίλερ, του οποίου η χώρα κρατά επί του παρόντος την εξάμηνη εναλλασσόμενη προεδρία, είπε ότι η διεύρυνση δεν αποτελεί μόνο οικονομικό, αλλά και ιστορικό ζήτημα, καθώς πολλές από τις αιτούσες χώρες ονειρεύονται να γίνουν μέρος της Ευρώπης εδώ και πέντε δεκαετίες
Danish Foreign Minister Perstig Moeller, whose country currently holds the six-month rotating presidency, said that enlargement was not only a financial, but also a historical question, as many of the applicants have dreamed of becoming part of a united Europe for five decades now
Ministri i Jashtëm danez Perstig Moeller, vendi i të cilit tani mban presidencën gjashtë- mujore me rotacion, tha se zgjerimi nuk ishte vetëm një çështje financiare, por gjithashtu historike, pasi shumë prej kandidatëve tashmë kanë ëndërruar për t' u bërë pjesë e një Europe të bashkuar prej pesë dekadash


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