Besonderhede van voorbeeld: -8631886934193185655



Rwyf yn credu—ac os edrychwn ar yr hyn sydd wedi digwydd yn ystod y tair neu bedair blynedd diwethaf—mai un o'r camau mwyaf y gallech chi fel Gweinidog, a'r Llywodraeth hon, ei gymryd yw mynd i'r afael â chapasiti, nifer y gwelyau gofal dwys, a hyfforddiant ar gyfer y clinigwyr hynny sy'n gorfod cael y sgwrs letchwith, annifyr ac anodd honno gyda pherthnasau sy'n galaru.
I believe—and if we look back at what has happened in the last three or four years—that one of the biggest step changes that could be achieved by you as Minister, and by this Government, would be to address the issues of capacity, the number of intensive care beds, and training for those clinicians who have to have that awkward, nasty and difficult conversation with grieving relatives.


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