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Author: WikiMatrix


In particular, their 1975 song "Rock Creek Park" from the City Life album has been sampled numerous times by groups and artists such as MF DOOM, De La Soul, Eric B. & Rakim, Big Daddy Kane, N.W.A, Massive Attack, Ice Cube, Heavy D, Nas and Grandmaster Flash & the Furious Five, Tone Lōc and Wiz Khalifa.
In het bijzonder hun song Rock Creek Park (1975) van het album City Life werd meerdere keren gesampled door bands en artiesten als MF DOOM, De La Soul, Eric B. & Rakim, Big Daddy Kane, N.W.A, Massive Attack, Ice Cube, Heavy D, Nas en Grandmaster Flash & the Furious Five, Tone Lōc en Wiz Khalifa.


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