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Con cui “Ankara fa affari”’ [Syria: Turkey shoots down Russian fighter jet three days after Moscow bombs ISIS’ oil refineries, with whom ‘Ankara does business’]; B. whereas, according to the above report from Il Fatto Quotidiano, the Russian bombardment of ISIS’ oil refineries and depots has dealt ‘An unprecedented blow not only to the finances of Islamic State, but also to traffickers who have been earning enormous sums of money from this illegal trade’, and in point of fact, according to statements made by Gürsel Tekin, Vice‐President of the main opposition party, the CHP (Republican People’s Party), amongst the companies trading with the jihadists is the transport company BMZ Ltd, owned by the President’s son, Bilal Erdoğan; 1.
Considerando que, segundo afirma o referido jornal, os bombardeamentos russos das refinarias e dos depósitos do Daexe teriam provocado «um prejuízo sem precedentes para as finanças do Daexe, bem como para as dos traficantes, que ganham somas colossais com este comércio ilegal»; que, de facto, segundo as declarações de Gürsel Tekin, vice-presidente do principal partido da oposição (CHP), «entre os que fazem negócios com os jiadistas figura a empresa de transportes BMZ Ltd., que pertence a Bilal Erdogan, filho do Presidente»; 1.
Tidningen skriver att de ryska bombanfallen mot IS raffinaderier och depåer orsakade den största ekonomiska smällen hittills för den islamiska staten, men också för de smugglare som tjänar enorma summor på den illegala handeln. Bland de företag som gör affärer med jihadisterna finns, enligt Gürsel Tekin, vice ordförande för det främsta oppositionspartiet (CHP), transportföretaget BMZ, som tillhör presidentens son Bilal Erdogan. 1.


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