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Author: EurLex-2


[3] IDC (2012). Quantitative Estimates of the Demand for Cloud Computing in Europe and the Likely Barriers to Take-up („Количествена оценка на нуждите от изчисления в облак в Европа и вероятни пречки за тяхното внедряване“); също така, за повече информация вж. работния документ на службите на Комисията към настоящото съобщение, раздел 3.1.
[3] IDC (2012) Quantitative Estimates of the Demand for Cloud Computing in Europe and the Likely Barriers to Take-up; viz rovněž oddíl 3.1 pracovního dokumentu útvarů Komise, který doprovází toto sdělení.
[3] IDC (2012) "Quantitative Estimates of the Demand for Cloud Computing in Europe and the Likely Barriers to Take-up" ("Kvantitative skøn over efterspørgslen efter cloud computing i Europa og de sandsynlige barrierer for indførelse deraf"), se også de SWD-dokumenter, der ledsager denne meddelelse, afsnit 3.1, vedrørende flere detaljer.
[3] IDC (2012) Quantitative Estimates of the Demand for Cloud Computing in Europe and the Likely Barriers to Take-up (Ποσοτικές εκτιμήσεις της ζήτησης για υπολογιστικό νέφος στην Ευρώπη και τα πιθανά εμπόδια στην αφομοίωσή του).
[3] IDC (2012) "Quantitative Estimates of the Demand for Cloud Computing in Europe and the Likely Barriers to Take-up"; also see for more details the SWD accompanying this Communication, section 3.1.
[3] IDC (2012): «Quantitative Estimates of the Demand for Cloud Computing in Europe and the Likely Barriers to Take-up» (Estimaciones cuantitativas de la demanda de computación en nube en Europa y de los posibles obstáculos a su asimilación); pueden verse más detalles en el documento de trabajo de la Comisión que acompaña a la presente Comunicación, sección 3.1.
[3] IDC (2012) „Quantitative Estimates of the Demand for Cloud Computing in Europe and the Likely Barriers to Take-up”, üksikasjadega tutvumiseks vt ka käesolevale teatisele lisatud talituste töödokumendi osa 3.1.
[3] IDC (2012), ”Quantitative Estimates of the Demand for Cloud Computing in Europe and the Likely Barriers to Take-up”. Ks. myös tiedonantoon liittyvä komission yksiköiden valmisteluasiakirja, kohta 3.1.
[3] Quantitative Estimates of the Demand for Cloud Computing in Europe and the Likely Barriers to Take-up, IDC (2012). Voir aussi, pour plus de détails, la partie 3.1 du document de travail des services de la Commission accompagnant la présente communication.
[3] IDC (2012) IDC (2012): „Quantitative Estimates of the Demand for Cloud Computing in Europe and the Likely Barriers to Take-up” (A számítási felhő iránti európai igénnyel kapcsolatos mennyiségi becslések és az esetlegesen felszámolandó akadályok); további részletekért pedig lásd az e közleményt kísérő bizottsági szolgálati munkadokumentum 3.1. szakaszát.
[3] IDC (2012) “Quantitative Estimates of the Demand for Cloud Computing in Europe and the Likely Barriers to Take-up”; per maggiori dettagli si rimanda anche al documento di lavoro dei servizi della Commissione che accompagna la presente comunicazione, sezione 3.1.
[3] Quantitative Estimates of the Demand for Cloud Computing in Europe and the Likely Barriers to Take-up. IDC, 2012 m. Taip pat žr. prie šio komunikato pridedamo tarnybų darbinio dokumento 3.1 skirsnį.
[3] IDC (2012), Quantitative Estimates of the Demand for Cloud Computing in Europe and the Likely Barriers to Take-up; sīkāku informāciju sk. arī Komisijas dienestu darba dokumentā (DDD), kas pievienots šim paziņojumam, 3.1. iedaļā.
[3] IDC (2012) Quantitative Estimates of the Demand for Cloud Computing in Europe and the Likely Barriers to Take-up”; għal aktar dettalji ara wkoll it-Taqsima 3.1 tad-Dokument ta’ Ħidma tal-Persunal li jakkumpanja din il-Komunikazzjoni.
[3] IDC (2012) "Quantitative Estimates of the Demand for Cloud Computing in Europe and the Likely Barriers to Take-up"; zie voor nadere informatie ook het begeleidende werkdocument van de diensten van de Commissie, punt 3.1.
[3] IDC (2012 r.): Szacunkowe dane ilościowe dotyczące popytu na usługi świadczone w modelu chmury obliczeniowej w Europie i możliwych barier dla ich wprowadzenia (ang.
[3] «Quantitative Estimates of the Demand for Cloud Computing in Europe and the Likely Barriers to Take-up», IDC (2012); para mais pormenores, ver igualmente a secção 3.1 do documento de trabalho da Comissão que acompanha a presente comunicação.
[3] „Quantitative Estimates of the Demand for Cloud Computing in Europe and the Likely Barriers to Take-up”, IDC (2012). Pentru detalii suplimentare, a se vedea de asemenea partea 3.1 din documentul de lucru al serviciilor Comisiei care însoțește prezenta comunicare.
[3] IDC (2012) „Quantitative Estimates of the Demand for Cloud Computing in Europe and the Likely Barriers to Take-up“ (Kvantitatívne odhady dopytu po cloud computingu v Európe a pravdepodobné prekážky jeho prijatia); viac podrobností pozri aj v oddiele 3.1 pracovného dokumentu útvarov Komisie pripojeného k tomuto oznámeniu.
[3] IDC (2012) „Quantitative Estimates of the Demand for Cloud Computing in Europe and the Likely Barriers to Take-up“ (Kvantitativne ocene povpraševanja po računalništvu v oblaku v Evropi in možne ovire pri njegovem uveljavljanju).
[3] IDC (2012) Quantitative Estimates of the Demand for Cloud Computing in Europe and the Likely Barriers to Take-up; För ytterligare information se avsnitt 3.1 i det arbetsdokument som åtföljer detta meddelande.


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