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Milieu Ltd., IUCN (2014 г.), „Experience gained in the application of ELD biodiversity damage“, окончателен доклад, изготвен за Европейската комисия, ГД „Околна среда“.
Milieu Ltd., IUCN (2014), „Experience gained in the application of ELD biodiversity damage“, závěrečná zpráva připravená Evropskou komisí, GŘ ENV.
Milieu Ltd., IUCN (2014), "Experience gained in the application of ELD biodiversity damage", endelig rapport udarbejdet for Europa-Kommissionen, GD ENV.
Milieu Ltd., IUCN (2014), „Experience gained in the application of ELD biodiversity damage“ (Bei der Anwendung der Umwelthaftungsrichtlinie in Bezug auf die Schädigung der biologischen Vielfalt gemachte Erfahrungen), für die Kommission – GD Umwelt – erstellter Abschlussbericht.
Milieu Ltd., IUCN (2014), «Experience gained in the application of ELD biodiversity damage» («Εμπειρίες σχετικά με την εφαρμογή της ΟΠΕ σε συνάρτηση με την πρόκληση ζημίας στη βιοποικιλότητα»), τελική έκθεση που εκπονήθηκε για την Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή, ΓΔ ENV.
Milieu Ltd., IUCN (2014), ‘Experience gained in the application of ELD biodiversity damage’, final report drawn up for the European Commission, DG Environment.
Milieu Ltd., IUCN (2014), Experience gained in the application of ELD biodiversity damage, informe final elaborado para la Dirección General de Medio Ambiente de la Comisión Europea.
Milieu Ltd., IUCN (2014), „Experience gained in the application of ELD biodiversity damage“, Euroopa Komisjoni jaoks koostatud lõpparuanne, keskkonna peadirektoraat.
Milieu Ltd., IUCN (2014), ”Experience gained in the application of ELD biodiversity damage”, Euroopan komissiolle (DG ENV) laadittu loppuraportti.
Milieu Ltd., IUCN (2014), «Experience gained in the application of ELD biodiversity damage» (expérience tirée de l’application des dommages à la biodiversité visés par la DRE), rapport final préparé pour la Commission européenne, DG Environnement.
Milieu Ltd., IUCN (2014), „Experience gained in the application of ELD biodiversity damage”, konačno izvješće pripremljeno za Europsku komisiju, DG ENV.
Milieu Ltd., IUCN (2014), „Experience gained in the application of ELD biodiversity damage”, az Európai Bizottság Környezetvédelmi Főigazgatósága számára készített végleges jelentés.
Milieu Ltd., IUCN (2014), "Experience gained in the application of ELD biodiversity damage", relazione finale preparata per la Commissione europea, DG ENV.
„Milieu Ltd.“, IUCN (2014 m.), „Patirtis, įgyta taikant Atsakomybės už aplinkos apsaugą direktyvą, kuria reglamentuojama žala biologinei įvairovei“, galutinė ataskaita, parengta Europos Komisijos Aplinkos GD užsakymu.
Uzņēmuma Milieu Ltd., IUCN 2014. gada pētījums „Experience gained in the application of ELD biodiversity damage”, Eiropas Komisijas, DG ENV, izstrādāts galīgais ziņojums.
Milieu Ltd., IUCN (2014), "Experience gained in the application of ELD biodiversity damage", rapport finali mħejji għall-Kummissjoni Ewropea, DĠ Ambjent.
Milieu Ltd., IUCN (2014), "Experience gained in the application of ELD biodiversity damage", eindverslag opgesteld door de Europese Commissie, DG ENV.
Milieu Ltd., IUCN (2014), «Experience gained in the application of ELD biodiversity damage», relatório final destinado à Comissão Europeia, DG ENV.
Milieu Ltd., IUCN (2014), Experience gained in the application of ELD biodiversity damage, raport final elaborat pentru Comisia Europeană, DG ENV.
Záverečná správa vypracovaná pre Európsku komisiu, GR ENV. Milieu Ltd., IUCN (2014): Experience gained in the application of ELD biodiversity damage.
Milieu Ltd., IUCN (2014), Experience gained in the application of ELD biodiversity damage, končno poročilo, pripravljeno za GD ENV Evropske komisije.
Milieu Ltd., IUCN (2014), Experience gained in the application of ELD biodiversity damage, slutrapport som utarbetats åt Europeiska kommissionen, GD Miljö.


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