Besonderhede van voorbeeld: -8764856876742990495


Author: Tico19


Less common symptoms include fatigue, respiratory sputum production (phlegm), loss of the sense of smell, shortness of breath, muscle and joint pain, sore throat, headache, chills, vomiting, hemoptysis, diarrhea, or cyanosis.The WHO states that approximately one person in six becomes seriously ill and has difficulty breathing.
Gejala yang kurang umum meliputi kelelahan, produksi sputum pernapasan (flegma), hilangnya daya penciuman, sesak napas, nyeri sendi dan otot, nyeri tenggorokan, sakit kepala, menggigil, muntah, hemoptisis, diare, atau sianosis. WHO menyatakan bahwa sekitar satu di antara enam orang menjadi sakit parah dan mengalami kesulitan bernapas.


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