Besonderhede van voorbeeld: -8781272262118098029


Author: not-set


Hvordan er dette muligt, når det ligeledes fremgår af OLAF-direktørens notat af 24. september, at OLAF-rapporten om disse interne aspekter endnu ikke er fremsendt til de franske justitsmyndigheder ("The report on these internal aspects will be sent to the French judicial authorities very shortly.")?
Πώς είναι αυτό δυνατόν, παρ' όλο που, και από το σημείωμα του διευθυντή της OLAF στις 24 Σεπτεμβρίου, προκύπτει ότι η έκθεση της OLAF για τις εν λόγω εσωτερικές πτυχές δεν είχε ακόμη διαβιβασθεί στη γαλλική Δικαιοσύνη (“The report on these internal aspects will be sent to the French judicial authorities very shortly.”);
How is this possible, when the note dated 24 September 2003 from the Director of OLAF also says that "the report on these internal aspects will be sent to the French judicial authorities very shortly", i.e. that the OLAF report on these internal aspects had not yet been sent to the French judicial authorities?
Miten tämä on mahdollista, vaikka OLAFin pääjohtajan 24. syyskuuta päivätyssä selvityksessä sanottiin, että OLAFin kertomusta tästä sisäisestä osatekijästä ei ollut toimitettu Ranskan oikeusviranomaisille vielä lainkaan ("The report of these internal aspects will be sent to the French judicial authorities very shortly.")?
Comment cela est-il possible dès lors qu'il ressort également de la note du directeur de l'OLAF du 24 septembre que le rapport de l'OLAF sur le volet interne n'a pas encore été transmis à la justice française ("The report on these internal aspects will be sent to the French judicial authorities very shortly")?
Com'è possibile ciò, quando dalla stessa nota del direttore dell'OLAF del 24 settembre emerge anche che la relazione dell'OLAF sulle componenti interne non è ancora stata trasmessa alla giustizia francese (secondo la nota, la relazione su questi aspetti interni sarà inviata tra breve alle autorità giudiziarie francesi).
Como se explica que as autoridades judiciárias francesas ainda não tenham acesso ao relatório do OLAF sobre as referidas componentes internas, embora tal se depreenda da Nota do Director do OLAF, de 24 de Setembro, que indica que o relatório sobre estas componentes internas será enviado às autoridades francesas "muito em breve"?
Hur är detta möjligt, när det också framgår av OLAF-direktörens meddelande av den 24 september att OLAF:s rapport om dessa interna komponenter ännu inte skickats till de franska rättsvårdande myndigheterna ("The report on these internal aspects will be sent to the French judicial authorities very shortly.")?


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