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26 – Вж. Abbamonte, G., „The unfair commercial practices Directive and its general prohibition“, The regulation of unfair commercial practices under EC Directive 2005/29 – New rules and new techniques, Norfolk 2007, р. 17, който смята, че защитата на конкурентите срещу нелоялна конкуренция се явява косвена последица от Директивата.
26 – Viz Abbamonte, G., „The unfair commercial practices Directive and its general prohibition“, The regulation of unfair commercial practices under EC Directive 2005/29 – New rules and new techniques, Norfolk 2007, s. 17, který soudí, že ochrana soutěžitelů před nekalou hospodářskou soutěží je nepřímým účinkem směrnice.
G. Abbamonte, »The unfair commercial practices Directive and its general prohibition«, The regulation of unfair commercial practices under EC Directive 2005/29 – New rules and new techniques, Norfolk, 2007, s. 17, som er af den opfattelse, at konkurrenters beskyttelse mod illoyal konkurrence er en indirekte virkning af direktivet.
26 – Βλ. Abbamonte, G., «The unfair commercial practices Directive and its general prohibition», The regulation of unfair commercial practices under EC Directive 2005/29 – New rules and new techniques, Norfolk, 2007, σ. 17, ο οποίος υποστηρίζει ότι η προστασία των ανταγωνιστών από τον αθέμιτο ανταγωνισμό είναι έμμεση συνέπεια της οδηγίας.
26 – See Abbamonte, G., ‘The unfair commercial practices Directive and its general prohibition’, The regulation of unfair commercial practices under EC Directive 2005/29 – New rules and new techniques, Norfolk 2007, p. 17, who takes the view that the protection of competitors from unfair competition is an indirect effect of the Directive.
26 – Véase Abbamonte, G., «The unfair commercial practices Directive and its general prohibition», The regulation of unfair commercial practices under EC Directive 2005/29 – New rules and new techniques, Norfolk 2007, p. 17, en opinión del cual la protección frente a la competencia desleal es un efecto indirecto de la Directiva.
26 – Vt Abbamonte, G., „The unfair commercial practices Directive and its general prohibition”, The regulation of unfair commercial practices under EC Directive 2005/29 – New rules and new techniques, Norfolk, 2007, lk 17, kelle arvates on konkurentide kaitsmine ebaausa konkurentsi eest direktiivi kaudne mõju.
26 – Vrt. Abbamonte, G., teoksessa ”The unfair commercial practices Directive and its general prohibition”, The regulation of unfair commercial practices under EC Directive 2005/29 – New rules and new techniques, Norfolk, 2007, s. 17, joka edustaa käsitystä, jonka mukaan kilpailijoiden suojelu sopimattomalta kilpailulta on direktiivin välillinen vaikutus.
26 – Voir Abbamonte, G., «The unfair commercial practices Directive and its general prohibition», The Regulation of unfair commercial practices under EC Directive 2005/29 ─ New rules and new techniques, Norfolk, 2007, p. 17, qui formule le point de vue selon lequel la protection des concurrents contre la concurrence déloyale serait un effet indirect de la directive.
26 – Lásd Abbamonte, G., „The unfair commercial practices Directive and its general prohibition”, The regulation of unfair commercial practices under EC Directive 2005/29 – New rules and new techniques, Norfolk 2007., 17. o., aki azt az álláspontot képviseli, hogy a versenytársaknak a tisztességtelen versenytől való védelme az irányelv egyik közvetett hatása.
26 – V. Abbamonte, G., «The Unfair Commercial Practices Directive and its General Prohibition», in The Regulation of Unfair Commercial Practices under EC Directive 2005/29 – New Rules and New Techniques, Norfolk 2007, pag. 17, secondo il quale la tutela dei concorrenti dalla concorrenza sleale costituirebbe un effetto indiretto della direttiva.
26 – Ara G. Abbamonte, “The unfair commercial practices Directive and its general prohibition”, The regulation of unfair commercial practices under EC Directive 2005/29 – New rules and new techniques, Norfolk 2007, p. 17, li jsostni li l-protezzjoni tal-kompetituri mill-kompetizzjoni inġusta hija effett indirett tad-Direttiva.
26 – Zie Abbamonte, G., „The unfair commercial practices Directive and its general prohibition”, The regulation of unfair commercial practices under EC Directive 2005/29 – New rules and new techniques, Norfolk 2007, blz. 17, die stelt dat de bescherming van concurrenten tegen oneerlijke mededinging een indirect gevolg van de richtlijn is.
26 – Zobacz G. Abbamonte, The unfair commercial practices Directive and its general prohibition, The regulation of unfair commercial practices under EC Directive 2005/29 – New rules and new techniques, Norfolk 2007, s. 17, który twierdzi, że pośrednim skutkiem dyrektywy jest ochrona konkurentów przed nieuczciwą konkurencją.
26 – V. Abbamonte, G., «The unfair commercial practices Directive and its general prohibition», The regulation of unfair commercial practices under EC Directive 2005/29 – New rules and new techniques, Norfolk 2007, p. 17, que defende que a protecção dos concorrentes contra a concorrência desleal constitui um efeito indirecto da directiva.
26 – A se vedea Abbamonte, G., „The unfair commercial practices Directive and its general prohibition”, The regulation of unfair commercial practices șier EC Directive 2005/29 – New rules and new techniques, Norfolk, 2007, p. 17, care consideră că protecția concurenților împotriva concurenței neloiale este un efect indirect al directivei.
26 – Pozri Abbamonte, G.: The unfair commercial practices Directive and its general prohibition. In: The Regulation of unfair commercial practices under EC Directive 2005/29 ─ New rules and new techniques. Norfolk 2007, s. 17, ktorý formuluje hľadisko, podľa ktorého je ochrana účastníkov hospodárskej súťaže proti nekalej súťaži nepriamym účinkom smernice.
26 – Se Abbamonte, G., ”The unfair commercial practices Directive and its general prohibition”, The regulation of unfair commercial practices under EC Directive 2005/29 – New rules and new techniques, Norfolk 2007, s. 17, som anser att skydd för konkurrenter mot otillbörlig konkurrens är en indirekt effet av direktivet.


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