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Author: jw2019


Το γεγονός ότι και άλλοι διακρατούσαν αυτή την ιδέα σημειώνεται στο Αμερικανικό Βιβλίο των Ημερών: «Υπήρχε συχνά το έθιμο να εκφωνούν οι κληρικοί πολιτικούς λόγους την Ημέρα των Ευχαριστιών.
That this idea was held by others is noted in The American Book of Days: “It has frequently been the custom for clergymen to preach political sermons on Thanksgiving Day.
Cette conception était celle de bien d’autres personnes, ainsi qu’on peut le lire dans The American Book of Days : “Les pasteurs avaient souvent l’habitude de prononcer des sermons politiques le Jour d’action de grâces.
Questa idea fu condivisa da altri, come fa rilevare The American Book of Days: “Di frequente gli ecclesiastici hanno fatto sermoni politici nel Giorno del Ringraziamento.
다른 사람들도 그런 생각을 가졌음은 「미국 역사서」라는 책의 이러한 말을 통해서 알 수 있다. “교직자들이 추수 감사절에 정치적인 설교를 하는 것은 일종의 습관이 되어 버렸다.
Que outros também tinham essa idéia é comentado em The American Book of Days: “Tem havido freqüentemente o costume de os clérigos pregarem sermões políticos no Dia de Ação de Graças.


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