Besonderhede van voorbeeld: -8954573062797804936


Author: EurLex-2


(91) Som svar på et spørgsmål fra Central Parts om, hvorfor en ordre ikke var blevet leveret, påpegede TC Harrison JCB: "JCB's strict guidelines concerning the export of spare parts and the golden rule (is that you should) deal with local agencies when purchasing parts" (JCB's strenge retningslinjer for eksport af reservedele og den gyldne regel, at de bør handle med lokale agenter, når de køber reservedele)(66).
(Gemäß den strengen Richtlinien von JCB für den Export von Ersatzteilen und der goldenen Regel (sollten Sie sich) bezüglich des Kaufs von Teilen an die zuständigen lokalen Vertreter wenden.)(
(91) Σε απάντηση ερωτήματος της Central Parts που ζητούσε να πληροφορηθεί για ποιο λόγο δεν εκτελέστηκε μια παραγγελία, η TC Harrison JCB επεσήμανε τα ακόλουθα: "JCB's strict guidelines concerning the export of spare parts and the golden rule (is that you should) deal with local agencies when purchasing parts" ["Οι αυστηρές οδηγίες της JCB σχετικά με την εξαγωγή ανταλλακτικών και ο χρυσός κανόνας (είναι ότι πρέπει) να συναλλάσσεστε με τις τοπικές αντιπροσωπείες για την αγορά ανταλλακτικών"](66).
(91) In response to a request from Central Parts asking why an order had not been supplied, TC Harrison JCB pointed out: "JCB's strict guidelines concerning the export of spare parts and the golden rule (is that you should) deal with local agencies when purchasing parts"(66).
(91) En respuesta a una petición de Central Parts que pregunta porqué no se había suministrado un pedido, TC Harrison JCB señalaba: "JCB's strict guidelines concerning the export of spare parts and the golden rule (is that you should) deal with local agencies when purchasing parts" ("Directrices estrictas de JCB referentes a la exportación de recambios y la regla de oro (es que se debe) se aplica a los organismos locales para la compra de piezas")(66).
(91) Vastauksena Central Partsin kyselyyn siitä, miksi tilausta ei ollut toimitettu, TC Harrison JCB huomautti, että "JCB's strict guidelines concerning the export of spare parts and the golden rule (is that you should) deal with local agencies when purchasing parts" (JCB:n varaosien vientiä koskevat ohjeet ovat tiukat ja kultainen sääntö on, että asiakkaiden on ostettava varaosat paikallisilta liikkeiltä)(66).
(91) En réponse à une lettre de Central Parts demandant pourquoi une commande n'avait pas été livrée, TC Harrison de JCB a indiqué: "JCB's strict guidelines concerning the export of spare parts and the golden rule (is that you should) deal with local agencies when purchasing parts" ("Les instructions rigoureuses de JCB concernant l'exportation de pièces détachées et la règle d'or [veulent que vous] traitiez avec les agences locales pour l'achat de pièces")(66).
(91) In risposta ad una richiesta di Central Parts che chiedeva perché un ordine non era stato evaso, TC Harrison JCB indicava "JCB's strict guidelines concerning the export of spare parts and the golden rule (is that you should) deal with local agencies when purchasing parts" (le severe direttive di JCB riguardo all'esportazione di pezzi di ricambio e la regola d'oro secondo la quale si dovrebbe trattare con le agenzie locali per l'acquisto di pezzi)(66).
(91) In antwoord op een vraag van Central Parts waarom bestelde onderdelen niet waren geleverd, zet TC Harrison JCB uiteen: "JCB's strict guidelines concerning the export of spare parts and the golden rule (is that you should) deal with local agencies when purchasing parts" ("De strikte richtsnoeren van JCB betreffende de export van reserveonderdelen en de gouden regel (is dat je moet) zaken doen met plaatselijke agentschappen voor de aankoop van onderdelen")(66).
(91) Em resposta à Central Parts, que perguntava por que razão uma encomenda não tinha sido fornecida, a TC Harrison JCB afirmou: "JCB's strict guidelines concerning the export of spare parts and the golden rule (is that you should) deal with local agencies when purchasing parts" ("As orientações estritas da JCB relativas à exportação de peças sobressalentes e a regra de ouro (é de que a vossa empresa deveria) recorrer às agências locais para a aquisição de peças")(66).
(91) Som svar på en förfrågan från Central Parts om varför en beställning inte hade expedierats hänvisade TC Harrison JCB till: "JCB's strict guidelines concerning the export of spare parts and the golden rule (is that you should) deal with local agencies when purchasing parts" JCB:s strikta riktlinjer när det gäller export av reservdelar och den gyllene regeln [är att man bör] vända sig till lokala firmor när man köper reservdelar.)(


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