Besonderhede van voorbeeld: -899733714117828430



Mountaineers of Zagreb have recorded the GPS trace and thus electronically "marked" the southernmost area of Velebit (east of Crnopac); however, exploring this barely passable area can only be recommended to very experienced hikers. Therefore, we recommend cycling as the best way to cover the section 55 kilometers long from Gračac to Knin.
Zagrebački planinari snimili su GPS trag i tako elektronički »markirali« najjužniji izdanak Velebita (istočno od Crnopca), no kretanje tim teško prohodnim područjem može se zasad preporučiti samo vrlo iskusnim planinarima, pa za obilazak etape duge 55 kilometara od Gračaca do Knina preporučujemo korištenje bicikla.


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