Besonderhede van voorbeeld: -9098626694381013319



В него е взето също под внимание проучването Assessing farmers' cost of compliance with EU legislation in the fields of environment, animal welfare and food safety (Оценка на разходите на земеделските стопани за спазване на законодателството на ЕС в областите на околната среда, хуманното отношение към животните и безопасността на храните) 6 .
Er berücksichtigt außerdem die Studie „Assessing farmers' cost of compliance with EU legislation in the fields of environment, animal welfare and food safety“ (Bewertung der Kosten der Landwirte für die Einhaltung der EU-Rechtsvorschriften in den Bereichen Umwelt, Tierschutz und Nahrungsmittelsicherheit) 6 .
Λαμβάνει επίσης υπόψη τη μελέτη με τίτλο «Assessing farmers' cost of compliance with EU legislation in the fields of environment, animal welfare and food safety» (Εκτίμηση του κόστους συμμόρφωσης των γεωργών με τη νομοθεσία της ΕΕ στους τομείς του περιβάλλοντος, της καλής διαβίωσης των ζώων και της ασφάλειας των τροφίμων) 6 .
It also takes into account the study "Assessing farmers' cost of compliance with EU legislation in the fields of environment, animal welfare and food safety" 6 .
También tiene en cuenta el estudio «Assessing farmers' cost of compliance with EU legislation in the fields of environment, animal welfare and food safety» 6 (Evaluación del coste ligado a la aplicación de la legislación de la UE en materia de medio ambiente, bienestar animal y seguridad alimentaria para los productores agrícolas).
Samuti on arvesse võetud uuringut, mis hindab põllumajandustootjate kulusid seoses keskkonda, loomade heaolu ja toiduohutust käsitlevate ELi õigusaktide järgimisega 6 .
Siinä otetaan huomioon myös arviointitutkimus viljelijöille EU:n ympäristöä, eläinten hyvinvointia ja elintarviketurvaa koskevasta lainsäädännöstä aiheutuvista kustannuksista nimeltä ”Assessing farmers' cost of compliance with EU legislation in the fields of environment, animal welfare and food safety” 6 .
Il prend également en considération l’étude «Assessing farmers’ cost of compliance with EU legislation in the fields of environment, animal welfare and food safety» (Estimation du coût supporté par les exploitants agricoles pour la mise en conformité avec la législation européenne dans les domaines de l’environnement, du bien-être animal et de la sécurité alimentaire) 6 .
Uzima u obzir i studiju „Assessing farmers' cost of compliance with EU legislation in the fields of environment, animal welfare and food safety” (Procjena troškova poljoprivrednika u pogledu usklađenosti sa zakonodavstvom EU-a u području okoliša, dobrobiti životinja i sigurnosti hrane) 6 .
Emellett az “Assessing farmers' cost of compliance with EU legislation in the fields of environment, animal welfare and food safety” („Az uniós jogszabályoknak való megfelelés mezőgazdasági termelőket érintő költségének felmérése a környezetvédelem, állatjólét és élelmiszerbiztonság terén”) című tanulmányt 6 is figyelembe veszi.
Inoltre tiene conto dello studio "Assessing farmers' cost of compliance with EU legislation in the fields of environment, animal welfare and food safety" (Valutazione del costo sostenuto dagli agricoltori per il rispetto della legislazione europea in materia di ambiente, benessere degli animali e sicurezza alimentare) 6 .
Joje taip pat atsižvelgiama į tyrimą „Ūkininkų sąnaudų, susijusių su ES teisės aktų aplinkos, gyvūnų gerovės ir maisto saugos srityse laikymusi, vertinimas“ 6 .
Tajā ņemts vērā arī pētījums “Assessing farmers' cost of compliance with EU legislation in the fields of environment, animal welfare and food safety” 6 .
W sprawozdaniu wzięto pod uwagę również badanie: "Assessing farmers' cost of compliance with EU legislation in the fields of environment, animal welfare and food safety” (Ocena kosztów poniesionych przez rolników w celu zachowania zgodności z przepisami UE w dziedzinie środowiska, dobrostanu zwierząt i bezpieczeństwa żywności) 6 .
Tem igualmente em consideração o estudo «Assessing farmers' cost of compliance with EU legislation in the fields of environment, animal welfare and food safety» 6 (Avaliação dos custos para os agricultores do cumprimento da legislação da UE nos domínios do ambiente, do bemestar animal e da segurança alimentar).
De asemenea, ia în considerare studiul „Assessing farmers' cost of compliance with EU legislation in the fields of environment, animal welfare and food safety” 6 (Evaluarea costurilor suportate de fermieri pentru asigurarea conformității cu legislația UE în domeniul mediului, al bunăstării animalelor și al siguranței alimentare).
Upošteva tudi študijo „Ocena stroškov kmetov za skladnost z zakonodajo EU na področju okolja, dobrobiti živali in varnosti hrane“.
Den beaktar även en undersökning med en bedömning av jordbrukarnas kostnader för att efterleva EU-lagstiftningen på miljö-, djurskydds- och livsmedelssäkerhetsområdet (Assessing farmers' cost of compliance with EU legislation in the fields of environment, animal welfare and food safety) 6 .


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