Besonderhede van voorbeeld: -9116621533224757139



Byddai'n fuddiol i Aelodau pe gellid rhyddhau datganiad gan y Gweinidog dros Faterion Gwledig i ddangos ble y gwnaiff y Llywodraeth gynnig cymorth i ffermwyr sydd wedi cymryd cyngor Canolfan Organig Cymru yn Aberystwyth ac wedi cael yr ymgynghorwyr allan, wedi gweithredu yn llawn ffydd ac wedi sefydlu arferion yn eu busnesau i addasu i'r cynllun troi'n organig, ond sydd, ryw ddau fis yn ddiweddarach, yn cael llythyrau'n dweud wrthynt na chânt eu derbyn i'r cynllun ac mai ymhen rhyw 12 mis y daw'r cyfle nesaf, pan agora'r ffenestr newydd ar 15 Mai 2009. Felly, a fydd yn bosibl cael datganiad ysgrifenedig fel bod gennym, dros fisoedd yr haf, pan godir y materion hyn gyda ni, eglurder ynghylch ble mae'r Llywodraeth yn mynd?
It would be beneficial for Members if a statement could be released from the Minister for Rural Affairs to highlight where the Government will offer help to farmers who have taken the advice of the Organic Centre Wales in Aberystwyth and have had the consultants out, have acted in best faith and put practices in place in their businesses to adapt to the organic conversion scheme, but who, some two months later, are receiving letters informing them that they will not be accepted into the scheme and that the next opportunity will be some 12 months hence, when the new window will open on 15 May 2009. Therefore, will it be possible to have a written statement so that, over the summer months, when these issues are raised with us, we have clarity on where the Government is heading?


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