Besonderhede van voorbeeld: -9144635064913583502



Gwyddoch am eich rhwymedigaeth gyfreithiol o dan Ddeddf Gwasanaeth Iechyd Gwladol (Cymru) 2006 i roi archwiliadau meddygol i blant ysgol, a bod gan yr awdurdodau addysg lleol ddyletswydd i wneud archwiliadau deintyddol o dan Ddeddf Addysg 1996. Mae sgrinio'n rhan hanfodol o'r rhaglen atal, eto mae nifer y plant ysgol a sgriniwyd yng Nghymru wedi gostwng o 170,000 yn 1993 i 20,000 eleni.
You will be aware of your legal obligation under the National Health Service (Wales) Act 2006 relating to the medical inspection of schoolchildren, and that local education authorities have a duty in relation to dental inspection under the Education Act 1996. Screening is a vital part of the prevention programme, yet the numbers of schoolchildren screened in Wales have fallen from 170,000 in 1993 to 20,000 this year.


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