Besonderhede van voorbeeld: -9154274860588163662



49. Welcomes the work of the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT) and calls on the founding companies of the GIFCT to intensify their efforts in the shared industry hash database also by sharing knowledge with smaller technology companies; calls on technology companies to increase their efforts and funding for the development of methods to remove terrorist content quickly, but without endangering freedom of speech;
49. pozdravlja rad Globalnog foruma za upravljanje internetom za suzbijanje terorizma (GIFCT) i poziva osnivačka društva GIFCT-a da pojačaju napore u pogledu zajedničke baze podataka sažetaka (hash), među ostalim tako što će dijeliti saznanja s manjim tehnološkim poduzećima; poziva tehnološka poduzeća da povećaju svoje napore i financijska sredstva za razvoj metoda brzog uklanjanja terorističkog sadržaja, a da pritom ne ugroze slobodu govora;


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