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Author: MultiUn


In the United Kingdom, for example, prior to the Aliens Act of # ugust # see in particular Craies, Jurisclasseur de droit international privé # ), p # ff; in France the right of expulsion was granted in # to the Government, but it was not new: the law of # vendémaire, year VI, had already included it in its article # which stated: “Any alien travelling within the Republic or residing there without having a mission of neutral or friendly Powers recognized by the Government, or without having acquired citizenship, shall be placed under the special surveillance of the Directoire executive, which may withdraw their passports and require them to leave French territory, if it deems their presence might disturb the public order and peace;” see also, for example, the law of # pril # which gave the French Government the same right concerning foreign refugees
例如在 # 年 # 月 # 日《外国人法令》颁布之前的英格兰,尤其见Craies,Jurisclasseur de droit international privé # 年,第 # 页开始;在法国,于 # 年授予政府驱逐权,但这并非新生事物:共和六年葡月 # 日法律已经将这项权利写入其第 # 条,该条规定:“凡在共和国境内旅行或定居的外国人,如果并非共和国政府承认的中立国或友好国委派,或者没有取得公民资格,就将接受督政府的特别监视,督政府如果判定他们的住留会扰乱公共秩序和国家稳定,就可以吊销他们的护照,并命令他们离开法国领土”;例如,另见关于在对待外国难民方面给予法国政府同样权利的 # 年 # 月 # 日法律。


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