Besonderhede van voorbeeld: -9219777255752470280



Страшното е, когато си прекарал # години в преследване на някаква цел, която си смятал за важна... и след това започнеш да подозираш, че това не е верния път... и тогава разбираш, че си си все същия глупак
Well, what' s scary is, when you spend those ten years... going after the things you thought were important... get those things, and then feel a sneaking suspicion that you went after the wrong things... and that where the important things are concerned... you' re still a total idiot
Lo horrible es pasar diez años buscando cosas que crees que son importantes... obtener esas cosas, y sospechar que no son las cosas correctas... y que, en lo que atañe a las cosas importantes, sigues siendo idiota
Het enge is dat je tien jaar lang de verkeerde idealen najaagt.Dat besef je pas wanneer je ze hebt bereikt. En je bent nog steeds blind voor wat echt belangrijk is
Grozljivoje, da # # let slediš stvarem, za katere misliš, da so pomembne, ko pa jih dobiš, ugotoviš, da nisi bil na pravi poti


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