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Otto's reign is usually divided into three periods: The years of Regency: 1832–1835 The years of Absolute Monarchy: 1835–1843 The years of Constitutional Monarchy: 1843–1862 The Bavarian advisors were arrayed in a Regency Council, headed by Count Josef Ludwig von Armansperg, who, in Bavaria as minister of finance, had recently succeeded in restoring Bavarian credit, at the cost of his popularity.
Sundimi i Ottos zakonisht ndahet në tre periudha : Vitet e Regjimit : 1832-1835 Vitet e Monarkisë Absolute : 1835-1843 Vitet e Monarkisë Kushtetuese :1843-1862 Këshilltarët Bavarezë ishin te organizuar në një këshill te drejtuar nga Konti Josef Ludëig von Armansperg i cili kur kishte arritur te rimëkëmbte ekonominë Bavareze kur ishte ministër i financave.


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