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First was the darkness, that is, UNKNOWLEDGE, the Godhead and the works of God's wisdom were COVERED, HIDDEN IN THE DEPTHS OF THE WATERS UNDER THE DARKNESS OF IGNORANCE. No one but the Spirit of God could or had the capacity and worth to bring in time measurements to light, to knowledge, the mysteries of God's will.
Mai intai a fost intunericul adica NECUNOSTINTA, Dumnezeirea si lucrarile intelepcinii lui Dumnezeu erau acoperite, ascunse in adancimea apelor sub intunericul necunostintei si cine altul in afara de Duhul lui Dumnezeu putea sau avea capacitatea si vrednicia sa aduca in masuratorile timpului la lumina, la cunostinta tainele voii lui Dumnezeu.


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