Besonderhede van voorbeeld: 1501657750864336212


Author: WikiMatrix


For a long time this was thought to be a subspecies of the short-tailed cane mouse (Zygodontomys brevicauda) but in 1991, the American zoologist Robert S. Voss examined the type specimen and came to the conclusion that it had many features in common with the hairy-tailed bolo mouse (Necromys lasiurus), then classified as Bolomys lasiurus, and placed it in the same genus, as Bolomys punctata.
오랫동안 짧은꼬리사탕수수쥐(Zygodontomys brevicauda)의 아종으로 간주되었지만, 1991년 미국 동물학자 보스(Robert S. Voss)가 모식표본을 조사한 이후 학명 Bolomys lasiurus로 명명된 털꼬리볼로쥐와 공통점이 많다는 결론을 내렸으며, 학명 Bolomys punctata로써 같은 볼로쥐속으로 분류했다.


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