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Democrats were outraged, and many demanded that they filibuster the final count in the House.[79] Randall did not commit, but permitted the House to take recesses several times, delaying the decision.[80] As the March 4 inauguration day approached, leaders of both parties met at Wormley's Hotel in Washington to negotiate a compromise . Republicans promised that, in exchange for Democratic acquiescence in the Commission's decision, Hayes would order federal troops to withdraw from the South and accept the election of Democratic governments in the remaining "unredeemed " states there.[81] The Democratic leadership, including Randall, agreed and the filibuster ended.[82]
兰德尔对此并不热心,但还是允许众议院数次休会,延迟最终决定的时间[81 ] 。 随着3月4日就职典礼日期的逐渐临近,共和、民主两党领导人在首都沃姆利酒店商谈妥协方案 。 民主党人以不反对海斯当选为条件,换取新总统结束重建、将联邦军队撤出南方的承诺,而且不得对南方各州选出民主党主导的政府横加干涉。


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