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Author: oj4


Věc C-#/#: Žádost o rozhodnutí o předběžné otázce podaná usnesením High Court of Justice, The Person Appointed by the Lord Chancellor under Section # of the Trade Marks Act #, on Appeal from the Registrar of Trade Marks, ze dne #. května # ve věci Elizabeth Emanuel a Continental Shelf # Ltd
Sag C-#/#: Anmodning om præjudiciel afgørelse forelagt ved kendelse afsagt den #. maj # af High Court of Justice, den udpegede dommer som bestemt af Lord Chancellor i medfør af section # i The Trade Marks Act #, vedrørende afgørelser truffet af varemærkemyndigheden i sagen Elizabeth Emanuel mod Continental Shelf # Ltd
Υπόθεση C-#/#: Αίτηση για την έκδοση προδικαστικής αποφάσεως που υπέβαλε το High Court of Justice, ο ορισθείς από τον Lord Chancellor δικαστής, δυνάμει του άρθρου # του Trade Marks Act #, για την εκδίκαση της προσφυγής κατά της αποφάσεως του Registrar of Trade Marks, με διάταξη της #ης Μαΐου #, στην υπόθεση Elizabeth Emanuel και Continental Shelf # Ltd
Case C-#/#: Reference for a preliminary ruling by the High Court of Justice, The Person Appointed by the Lord Chancellor under Section # of the Trade Marks Act #, on Appeal from the Registrar of Trade Marks, by order of that court dated # May #, in the case of Elizabeth Emanuel and Continental Shelf # Ltd
Asunto C-#/#: Petición de decisión prejudicial planteada mediante resolución de la High Court of Justice, The Person Appointed by the Lord Chancellor under Section # of the Trade Marks Act #, on Appeal from the Registrar of Trade Marks, de fecha # de mayo de #, en el asunto entre Elizabeth Emanuel y Continental Shelf # Ltd
Asia C-#/#: High Court of Justicen Lord Chancellorin vuoden # Trade Marks Actin # §:n nojalla määräämän ratkaisijan Registrar of Trade Marksin pyynnöstä #.#.# tekemällään päätöksellä esittämä ennakkoratkaisupyyntö asiassa Elizabeth Emanuel vastaan Continental Shelf # Ltd
Affaire C-#/#: Demande de décision préjudicielle présentée par ordonnance de la High Court of Justice, The Person Appointed by the Lord Chancellor under Section # of The Trade Marks Act #, on Appeal from the Registrar of Trade Marks, rendue le # mai # dans l'affaire Elizabeth Emanuel et Continental Shelf # Ltd
C-#/#. sz. ügy: A High Court of Justice, a Lord Chancellor által az #. évi Trade Marks Act #. cikke alapján a Registrar of Trade Marks által kezdeményezett fellebbezési eljárásra Kinevezett Személy #. május #-i végzésével az Elizabeth Emanuel kontra Continental Shelf # Ltd ügyben benyújtott előzetes döntéshozatal iránti kérelem
Causa C-#/#: Domanda di pronuncia pregiudiziale proposta dalla High Court of Justice, The Person Appointed by the Lord Chancellor (persona designata dal Lord Chancellor), ai sensi dell'art. # del Trade Marks Act #, per statuire sui ricorsi contro le decisioni del Registrar of Trade Marks, con ordinanza # maggio # nel procedimento Elizabeth Emanuel contro Continental Shelf # Ltd
Lieta C-#/#: Lūgums sniegt prejudiciālu nolēmumu, ko izteica High Court of Justice, un persona, kuru iecēla amatā Lord Chancellor saskaņā ar #. gada likuma Par preču zīmēm #. pantu, ar High Court of Justice #. gada #. jūnija lēmumu lietā Elizabeth Emanuel pret Continental Shelf # Ltd
Zaak C-#/#: Verzoek van de High Court of Justice, The Person Appointed by the Lord Chancellor, op grond van Section # van de Trade Marks Act #, on Appeal from the Registrar of Trade Marks, van # mei # om een prejudiciële beslissing in het geding tussen Elizabeth Emanuel en Continental Shelf # Ltd
Sprawa C-#/#: Wniosek o wydanie orzeczenia prejudycjalnego złożony mocą postanowienia the High Court of Justice, The Person Appointed by Lord Chancellor (osoby mianowanej przez Lorda Kanclerza) zgodnie z art. # Trade Marks Act #, w odwołaniu od decyzji Registrar of Trade Marks, wydanego dnia # maja # r., w sprawie Elizabeth Emanuel przeciwko Continental Shelf # Ltd
Processo C-#/#: Pedido de decisão prejudicial apresentado por decisão da High Court of Justice, The Person Appointed pelo Lord Chancellor nos termos da Section # do Trade Marks Act #, em recurso interposto do Registrar of Trade Marks, de # de Maio de #, no processo Elizabeth Emanuel e Continental Shelf # Ltd
Mål C-#/#: Begäran om förhandsavgörande enligt beslut av High Court of Justice, The Person Appointed by the Lord Chancellor under Section # of the Trade Marks Act #, on Appeal from the Registrar of Trade Marks av den # maj # i målet mellan Elizabeth Emanuel och Continental Shelf # Ltd


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