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Author: jw2019


Die tydskrif Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences sê: “Ingenieurs probeer die eenvoudige manier waarop heuningbye land, gebruik om robotvliegtuie te verbeter.”
Bir elmi jurnalda deyilir: «Arıların bu eniş strategiyasının sadəliyi və tətbiq sahəsinin genişliyi... bu strategiyanı uçan robotların idarə sisteminə tətbiq etmək üçün ideal üsul edir» («Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences»).
Magazini ya Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences itila: “Filya ulushimu lucita nga lulefwaya ukwikala pa cintu . . . [calilenga abantu] balelupashanya nga balefwaya ukupanga ifintu fimbi ifyenda mulwelele.”
В американския „Бюлетин на Националната академия на науките“ се посочва: „Простотата и общоприложимостта на този метод на кацане ... го правят идеален за използване в навигационни системи на летящи роботи.“
La revista Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences informa: «La simplicitat d’aquesta estratègia d’aterratge [...] la fa ideal per implementar-la en el sistema de navegació de robots voladors».
Ang basahong Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences nagreport: “Ang simpleng paagi niini sa pagtugpa . . . maayong gamiton sa sistema sa paggiya sa makalupad nga mga robot.”
Časopis Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences to komentoval: „Tento způsob přistávání je tak jednoduchý a univerzální..., že by se dal skvěle využít v navigačních systémech létajících robotů.“
I tidsskriftet Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences står der: “Simpliciteten og den generelle anvendelighed ved denne landingsteknik ... [gør] det oplagt at implementere den i flyvende robotters styringssystem.”
„Diese Landemethode ist so simpel und zuverlässig, . . . dass sie für die Navigationssysteme von Flugrobotern perfekt geeignet ist“, heißt es in der Fachzeitschrift Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Agbalẽ aɖe (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences) gblɔ be: “Ŋkuléle ɖe mɔnu si dzi anyi tona dzena ɖe nu dzi ŋu . . . [wɔe] be wowɔ nane de robɔtwo me be wòafia mɔ wo woate ŋu adzo nyuie.”
N̄wed oro ẹkotde Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences ọdọhọ ke ọfọn ẹfiọk se isinamde ọkwọk ekeme ndisọrọ ke n̄kpọ sụn̄sụn̄ man ẹda ifiọk oro ẹbot ukwakutom emi ẹsinamde efe aka ebiet en̄wen akanam n̄kpọ.
Το περιοδικό Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences αναφέρει: «Η απλότητα και η γενικότητα αυτής της μεθόδου προσγείωσης . . . την [καθιστούν] ιδανική για να εφαρμοστεί σε συστήματα κατεύθυνσης ιπτάμενων ρομπότ».
The journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences reports: “The simplicity and generality of this landing strategy . . . [make] it ideal for implementation in the guidance systems of flying robots.”
La revista Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences informa: “La sencillez y aplicabilidad de esta técnica de aterrizaje [...] hacen que sea ideal para implementarla en los sistemas de navegación de robots voladores”.
Ajakiri Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences teatab: „Sellise lendamisstrateegia lihtsus ... võimaldab seda ideaalselt kasutada lendavate robotite juhtimissüsteemis.”
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences -tiedejulkaisussa sanotaan: ”Tämän laskeutumistekniikan yksinkertaisuus ja yleispätevyys – – tekee siitä ihanteellisen käytettäväksi lentävien robottien ohjausjärjestelmissä.”
E kaya na mekesini na Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences: “E sega ni vereverea na iwalewale ni nona ro na oni, e rawarawa sara . . . qori e [vakavuna] mera via vakatotomuria eso na iwalewale ni nona ro na oni ena kena buli na robot e rawa ni vuka.”
La revue Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences rapporte : « La simplicité et la généralisation possible de cette stratégie d’atterrissage [...] la rendent idéale pour une application aux systèmes de guidage des robots volants*. »
प्रोसीडिंग्स ऑफ द नैशनल अकैडमी ऑफ साइंसेस पत्रिका बताती है कि जिस तरह मधुमक्खियाँ आकर किसी चीज़ पर आराम से बैठती हैं, उसकी नकल करके वैज्ञानिक उड़नेवाले रोबोट को ज़मीन पर आराम से उतारने के लिए प्रोग्राम कर सकते हैं।
Ang balasahon nga Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences nagasiling: “Ining simple nga estratehiya sa paghugpa . . . maayo gid nga gamiton sa program nga nagagiya sa mga robot nga nagalupad.”
Phau ntawv Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences hais tias: ‘Qhov uas tus muv txawj tsom mam tsaws yoojyim kawg . . . luag thiaj siv los tawm tswvyim tsim tej yam uas txawj ya txawj tsaws, tsis tas muaj neeg tsav.’
U časopisu Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences stoji: “Ovaj način slijetanja toliko je jednostavan i općeprimjenjiv (...) da je idealan za upravljački sustav letećih robota.”
Gen yon jounal ki di: “Taktik sa a yo itilize pou yo poze a tèlman senp e yo tèlman ka aplike l sou divès bagay, [...] li vrèman bon pou nou aplike l nan sistèm k ap gide wobo k ap vole yo.” — Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Egy tudományos szakfolyóirat szerint „ezzel az egyszerű landolási technikával optimalizálni lehetne a robotrepülők irányítórendszerét” (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences).
Jurnal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences melaporkan, ”Cara mendarat yang sederhana dan biasa-biasa saja ini . . . cocok untuk diterapkan pada sistem navigasi robot terbang.”
Akwụkwọ bụ́ Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, kwuru, sị: “N’ihi otú a o si adịrị aṅụ mfe ifedata n’enweghị nsogbu ọ bụla . . . ọ dị mma ilere anya na ya rụọ robọt ndị ga na-efegharị n’enweghị nsogbu ọ bụla.”
Kastoy ti report ti journal a Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences: “Gapu ta simple ken adu ti aplikasion daytoy nga estratehia ti panaglanding . . . nagsayaat nga usaren dayta kadagiti sistema ti panangiturong kadagiti agtayab a robot.”
Í tímaritinu Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences segir: „Þessi lendingaraðferð er svo víðtæk og einföld ... að tilvalið er að nýta hana í sjálfstýringu fyrir flygildi.“
La rivista Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences afferma: “La semplicità e le caratteristiche generali di questa strategia di atterraggio [...] la rendono ideale per sviluppare sistemi di guida per i robot volanti”.
ერთ სამეცნიერო ჟურნალში აღნიშნულია: „დაშვების ასეთ გასაოცარ, თუმცა, ამავდროულად, მარტივ სტრატეგიაზე დაკვირვებით, მეცნიერები ცდილობენ, შექმნან მფრინავი რობოტების მართვის ისეთი მექანიზმი, რომელიც ამავე პრინციპით იმუშავებს“ (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences).
Zulunalu mosi (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences) ke tuba nde: “Mutindu yai ya pete mpi ya kukonda mpasi ya kubwa . . . [ke sadisaka] sambu na kumeka bangidika ya bo ke sadilaka sambu na kutwadisa maswa, avio, misile to bima ya nkaka na nsadisa ya barobo yina ke pumbuka.”
Бір ғылыми журналда мынадай мәлімет келтірілді: “Осындай қарапайым да тиімді қону әдісі бүгінде ұшатын роботтардың бағыт-бағдар жүйесін жетілдіруге көмектесуде” (“Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences”).
Pepala wa Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences wambile’mba: “Byuba lunyuki pa kwikala pa kintu kwa kubula kutupila, kwakonsha kukwasha aba balenga tubintu tutumbuka twakwingijisha twapasha malobochi.”
Илимий бир журналда: «Андай конуу жөндөмүнүн жөнөкөй принциби... учуучу роботтордун башкаруу системасын иштеп чыгарууда эң сонун жардам боло алат»,— делген («Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences»).
Magazini eyitibwa Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences yagamba nti: “Bwe tukoppa engeri enjuki gy’egwamu ku kintu . . . kisobola okutuyamba okulongoosa mu tekinologiya wa loboti ezibuuka.”
Zulunalo moko (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences) elobi boye: “Mayele oyo ezangi mindɔndɔ oyo nzoi esalelaka mpo na kokita . . . ebongi mpo na kotambwisa na telekomande baaparɛyi oyo epumbwaka.”
Magazini yebizwa Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences ibiha kuli: “Mululelo omunde ili obunolo wo . . . utusa batu kupanga hande maroboti akona kufufa.”
Žurnale Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences rašoma: „Dėl savo paprastumo ir universalumo ši nusileidimo strategija [...] idealiai tiktų kuriant skraidančių robotų valdymo sistemas.“
Žurnālā Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences bija lasāms: ”Šī vienkāršā un universālā nolaišanās stratēģija.. ir ideāli piemērota ieviešanai lidojošu robotu vadības sistēmās.”
Hoy ny Tatitry ny Akademia Amerikanina Momba ny Siansa: ‘Tsotra ilay teknika sady azo ampiharina amin-javatra maro, ohatra hoe amin’ny fitaovana hibaikoana robot kely manidina.’
Во едно научно списание пишува: „Оваа техника на слетување, која е едноставна и има широка примена... е идеална за имплементација во системите за навигација кај летачките роботи“ (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences).
Il- ġurnal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences jirrapporta: “Is- sempliċità taʼ din l- istrateġija taʼ nżul . . . tagħmilha ideali biex tidħol fis- sistemi li jiggwidaw apparat robotiku li jtir.”
Tidsskriftet Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences skriver: «Fordi denne landingsteknikken er så enkel og anvendelig ... er den ideell til bruk i flygende roboters styringssystem.»
North Ndebele[nd]
Ibhuku elikhuluma ngezesayensi elithi Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences lithi: “Indlela le elula inyosi eyenza ngayo nxa isiyahlala phansi . . . inganceda kakhulu nxa ingasetshenziswa emitshineni ephaphayo.”
प्रोसिडिङस अफ द नेशनल एकाडेमी अफ साइन्सेस पत्रिकामा यस्तो लेखिएको छ: “मौरीको अवतरण गर्ने यस्तो सरल शैली, उड्न बनाइएका रोबोटहरूको नियन्त्रण प्रणालीमा सुधार ल्याउन साँच्चै उपयोगी छ।”
In het tijdschrift Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences staat: ‘Door de eenvoud en algemeenheid van deze landingsstrategie (...) is het perfect te implementeren in het navigatiesysteem van vliegende robots.’
Northern Sotho[nso]
Makasine wa Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences o bega gore: “Mokgwa wo o bonolo le o tlwaelegilego wa go kotama . . . [o dira] gore go be bonolo go ka ekišwa ge go hlangwa motšhene wa go laola diroboto tša go fofa.”
Magazini ina inanena kuti: “Zimene njuchi zimachita zikamatera, zingathandize akatswiri kupanga maloboti omwe atha kumawaulutsa ndi kumawawongoleranso bwinobwino.” —Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Barruun Za Piroosiidiingis Oof za Naashinaal Akkaadaamii Oof Saayinsis, “Malli kanniisni qubachuuf itti fayyadamtu kun salphaa waan taʼeef . . . qajeelfama robootonni balaliʼan ittiin geggeeffaman qopheessuuf hojii irra ooluu dandaʼa” jedhee gabaaseera.
Imbaga na journal ya Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences: “Say inkasimpli na teknik na bubuyog no ondapo . . . et makatulong diad panggawa na makatikyab iran robot.”
E revista Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences ta bisa: “Lo por implementá e mesun prinsipio simpel di aterisahe akí . . . den e sistema di nabegashon di robòt ku ta bula.”
W czasopiśmie Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences napisano: „Prostota oraz uniwersalność tej strategii lądowania (...) sprawia, że doskonale nadaje się ona do użycia w systemach sterowania robotami latającymi”.
Uma revista científica* dos Estados Unidos disse: “Essa estratégia de pouso é simples e pode ser aplicada em várias situações. . . . É ideal para ser usada em sistemas de direção de robôs voadores.”
Ikinyamakuru kimwe kivuga giti: “Turavye ingene ubwo buhinga bwo kugwa budahanitse kandi butagoye kwigana . . . biroroshe cane ko tubukoresha mu gutunganya ingene tuyobora imashini zitwa robo ziguruka.”
Revista Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences declară: „Simplitatea și universalitatea acestei tehnici de aterizare . . . [o fac] ideală pentru a fi implementată în sistemele de ghidare ale roboților zburători”.
В журнале «Ученые записки Национальной академии наук» отмечается: «Простота и универсальность такого алгоритма посадки... делают его идеальным для внедрения в системы навигации беспилотных летательных аппаратов» (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences).
Hari ikinyamakuru cyavuze kiti “uburyo uruyuki rukoresha kugira ngo rugwe bitarusabye imbaraga nyinshi, ni bwo abahanga bazifashisha bakora porogaramu iyobora za robo ziguruka.”—Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
“මීමැස්සා පාවිච්චි කරන සරල ක්රමය යොදාගත්තොත් රොබෝ යානා හසුරුවන තාක්ෂණය වැඩි දියුණු කරන්නත් ඒවා ආරක්ෂාකාරීව ගොඩ බස්සන්නත් පුළුවන් වෙයි” කියලා විද්යා සඟරාවක සඳහන් වුණා.—Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Časopis Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences uviedol: „Jednoduchosť tohto spôsobu pristávania a široké možnosti jeho využitia... z neho robí ideálne riešenie pre navádzacie systémy lietajúcich robotov.“
Revija Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences poroča: »Ta strategija pristajanja je zaradi svoje preprostosti in splošnosti [. . .] idealna za uporabo pri sistemih vodenja letečih robotov.«
Na taʻua i le tusi o le Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences: ʻO le faigofie o lenei auala, ua avea ai o se auala lelei e faataʻitaʻi ai le faatonutonuina o masini e felelei.’
Magazini inonzi Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences inoti: “Kuongorora kumhara zviri nyore kunoita nyuchi . . . kuchabatsira pakuvandudza mashandiro emaflying robots.”
Gazeta Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences shkruan: «Kjo strategji zbritjeje kaq e thjeshtë . . . është ideale të imitohet në sistemet e drejtimit të robotëve fluturues.»
U jednom naučnom časopisu stoji: „Jednostavnost ove strategije sletanja [...] čini je idealnom za primenu u programiranju letećih robota“ (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences).
Southern Sotho[st]
Koranta e ’ngoe e re: “Tsela e bonolo eo linotši li khonang ho lula fatše ka eona . . . e nolofalletsa baetsi ba liroboto tse fofang ho li etsa hore li nolofalloe ke ho lula fatše habonolo.”
Tidskriften Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences rapporterar: ”Den här enkla och allmänt tillämpliga landningstekniken ... kan med fördel användas när man utvecklar navigationssystem till flygande robotar.”
Jarida la Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences liliripoti hivi: “Mbinu hii rahisi ya kutua . . . itafaa sana ikiwa itatumiwa katika mfumo wa kuongoza roboti zinazoruka angani.”
Congo Swahili[swc]
Gazeti moja linasema hivi: “Uwezo huo wa kutua wenye kuwa mwepesi . . . ni wenye kufaa kwa ajili ya kutengeneza mufumo wa kuongoza roboti zenye kuruka.”—Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
ப்ரோசீடிங்ஸ் ஆஃப் த நேஷனல் அகேடமி ஆஃப் சயின்சஸ் என்ற பத்திரிகை இப்படிச் சொல்கிறது: தேனீக்கள் “தரையிறங்கும் இந்த எளிமையான விதம் பறக்கும் ரோபோக்கள் பத்திரமாக வந்து தரையிறங்கும் தொழில்நுட்பத்தை [உருவாக்க] ரொம்ப உதவியாக இருக்கிறது.”
Tetun Dili[tdt]
Jornál ida (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences) hatete katak bani nia dalan atu tun ba fatin oioin mak furak tebes, no sientista barak buka dalan atu aplika ida-neʼe ba robot sira neʼebé semo.
Ganito ang sinabi ng babasahing Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences: “Ang simple at di-masalimuot na teknik na ito sa pagdapo . . . ay tamang-tama sa pagbuo ng mga guidance system para sa lumilipad na mga robot.”
Lokwalodikgang lwa Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences lwa re: “Mokgwa ono wa go kotama le tsela e di dirang seno motlhofo ka yone . . . o dirisiwa fa go dirwa diroboto tse di fofang.”
Tonga (Nyasa)[tog]
Magazini inyaki yingukamba kuti: “Kusambira mo njuchi yibote . . . kungawovya ŵanthu kupanga tivipangizu tamampha ukongwa to tiphululuka.”—Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Tonga (Zambia)[toi]
Muteende wa Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences wakaamba kuti: “Kusika acintu munzila nguba-uba boobu . . . kulakonzya kugwasya ikuti kwacitwa mumalobboti aawuluka.”
Tok Pisin[tpi]
Wanpela ripot bilong nius Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences i tok: “Pasin bilong binen long flai isi isi na sindaun long ol plaua . . . inap helpim ol man long wokim ol robot i save flai.”
ABD Ulusal Bilimler Akademisi’nin dergisi (PNAS) şu yorumda bulundu: “Bu iniş tekniği basit ve genel olduğundan . . . . uçan robotlardaki güdüm, yani kılavuz sistemleri için idealdir.”
Phephahungu leri nge Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences ri ri: “Ndlela yo olova leyi tinyoxi ti kotaka ku phatsama ha yona . . . [yi nga pfuna] loko yo tirhisiwa ku kongomisa tirhoboto leti hahaka.”
Magazini yinyake yikati: ‘Ivyo njuchi zikuchita para zikudeka . . . vyapangiska ŵasayansi kuwona kuti ŵangafiska kupanga maroboti ghamumlengalenga agho ghangachita vinthu nga umo njuchi zikuchitira.’—Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Nhoma bi kaa sɛ, “Sɛnea wowa tumi si baabi pɛpɛɛpɛ a ɔmmrɛ no, . . . wogu so ara rehwɛ sɛ wobetumi ayɛ biribi wɔ robɔt a etumi tu mu na ama ɛno nso atumi [ayɛ] saa ara.”—Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
В журналі «Наукові записки Національної академії наук» (англ.) зазначається: «Такий простий і водночас універсальний механізм посадки... дозволить вдосконалити систему керування літаючих роботів».
Một tạp chí về khoa học (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences) cho biết: “‘Chiến thuật hạ cánh’ đơn giản này... thật lý tưởng để bổ sung vào hệ thống định vị của các rô-bốt bay”.
Waray (Philippines)[war]
An magasin nga Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences nagsiring: “An simple nga proseso hini nga teknik ha paglanding . . . nakabulig ha paghimo hin mga sistema nga naggigiya ha nalupad nga mga robot.”
Imagazini iProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences ithi: “Le ndlela ihlala ngayo endaweni . . . isemagqabini yaye ifanele isetyenziswe xa kusenziwa iirobhothi eziza kubhabha.”
Nyusipepala jine ja sayansi jatite, “Yalukusatenda lujuci pakutula . . . mpaka yikamucisye ŵasayansi kupanganya yindu yakombola kutula mpela lujucilu yampaka ayitumisyeje kuja kwakulupusya ŵandu pangosi.”
Ìwé Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences ròyìn pé: “Ọgbọ́n tí oyin ń dá tó fi ń bà lé nǹkan láìfarapa yìí . . . [lè] ràn wá lọ́wọ́ láti ṣe rọ́bọ́ọ̀tì tó ń fò.”
Incwadi i-Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences ithi, “Ukuba lula kwendlela inyosi ehlala ngayo entweni endizela kuyo . . . [kuyenza] ifaneleke kakhulu lapho kwenziwa izinhlelo zokuqondisa amarobhothi andizayo.”


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