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"Yes, and you done more than that," said Injun Joe, approaching the doctor, who was now standing. "Five years ago you drove me away from your father's kitchen one night, when I come to ask for something to eat, and you said I warn't there for any good; and when I swore I'd get even with you if it took a hundred years, your father had me jailed for a vagrant.
– Vous ne me devez rien, reprit Joe en s’approchant du docteur, ça se peut, mais il y a des choses qu’on n’oublie pas. Il y a cinq ans, vous m’avez chassé de la cuisine de votre père parce que j’étais venu demander un bout de pain. Et, quand j’ai juré que je me vengerais, votre père m’a fait arrêter pour vagabondage.


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