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"He exists, but to comprehend Him is hard," the mason began again, not looking into Pierre's face, but straight before him, while his old hands, which could not keep still for inward emotion, turned the leaves of the book. "If it had been a man of whose existence thou hadst doubts, I could have brought thee the man, taken him by the hand, and shown him thee. But how am I, an insignificant mortal, to show all the power, all the eternity, all the blessedness of Him to one who is blind, or to one who shuts his eyes that he may not see, may not understand Him, and may not see, and not understand all his own vileness and viciousness."
共济会员又说起话来,他的眼睛不是向皮埃尔的面庞,而是向他自己前面望去,那两只老年人的手翻动着书页,由于内心的激动,这双手不能静止不动 。 " 如果他是一个人,你怀疑这个人的存在,我可以把他领到你身边来,一把抓住他的手,给你瞧瞧。 但是我这个微不足道的凡人怎么能向那个盲目的、或者熟视无睹的、不去理解他而且有目也看不清也不明了自己的肮脏行为和缺陷的人展示他的万能、永恒和仁慈呢?


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