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V.) v. Slovenská republika (UNCITRAL) (věc PCA č. 2008-13) rozhodčí nález o příslušnosti, přípustnosti a přerušení řízení ze dne 26. října 2010, bod 281 („Far from being precluded from considering and applying EU law the Tribunal is bound to apply it to the extent that it is part of the applicable law(s), whether under BIT Article 8, German law or otherwise“).
123 Achmea BV (πρώην Eureko BV) κατά Σλοβακικής Δημοκρατίας (CNUDCI) (υπόθεση CPA n° 2008-13) διαιτητική απόφαση επί της αρμοδιότητας, του παραδεκτού και της αναστολής της 26ης Οκτωβρίου 2010, σκέψη 281 [«Far from being precluded from considering and applying EU law the Tribunal is bound to apply it to the extent that it is part of the applicable law(s), whether under BIT Article 8, German law or otherwise»].
122 Achmea B.V. (formerly known as Eureko B.V.) v Slovak Republic (UNCITRAL) (PCA Case No 2008-13) Award on Jurisdiction, Arbitrability and Suspension of 26 October 2010, paragraph 281.
122 Achmea BV (varem Eureko BV) vs. Slovaki Vabariik(UNCITRAL) (Alalise Vahekohtu kohtuasi nr 2008-13) kohtuotsus kohtualluvuse, vahekohtus menetluse läbiviimise võimalikkuse ja peatamise kohta, 26.10.2010, punkt 281 („Far from being precluded from considering and applying EU law the Tribunal is bound to apply it to the extent that it is part of the applicable law(s), whether under BIT Article 8, German law or otherwise“).
122 Achmea BV (antérieurement Eureko BV) c/ République slovaque(CNUDCI) (affaire CPA no 2008-13), sentence sur la compétence, la recevabilité et la suspension du 26 octobre 2010, point 281 [« Far from being precluded from considering and applying EU law the Tribunal is bound to apply it to the extent that it is part of the applicable law(s), whether under BIT Article 8, German law or otherwise »].
122 Achmea BV (korábban Eureko BV) kontra Szlovák Köztársaság (UNCITRAL) (PCA 2008‐13. sz. ügy) 2010. október 26‐i ítélet a hatáskörről, az elfogadhatóságról és a felfüggesztésről, 281. pont („Far from being precluded from considering and applying EU law the Tribunal is bound to apply it to the extent that it is part of the applicable law[s], whether under BIT Article 8, German law or otherwise”).
122 Achmea BV (fostă Eureko BV) c/ Republica Slovacă (UNCITRAL) (cauza CPA nr. 2008‐13), hotărârea privind competența, caracterul arbitrabil și suspendarea din 26 octombrie 2010, punctul 281 [„Far from being precluded from considering and applying EU law the Tribunal is bound to apply it to the extent that it is part of the applicable law(s), whether under BIT Article 8, German law or otherwise.”].
122 Achmea BV (predtým Eureko BV) v. Slovenská republika (UNCITRAL) (vec PCA č. 2008‐13), rozhodnutie z 26. októbra 2010 o právomoci, prípustnosti a prerušení konania, bod 281 („Far from being precluded from considering and applying EU law the Tribunal is bound to apply it to the extent that it is part of the applicable law(s), whether under BIT Article 8, German law or otherwise“).


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