Besonderhede van voorbeeld: 2016115764164257787



Hence the two antipopes were summoned to appear before it, as well as the leading propagator of the new opinions, John Huss. The former, having regard to their own safety, did not attend in person, but were represented by their delegates. Pope John, while ostensibly the convoker of the council, came to it with many misgivings, suspecting the emperor's secret purpose to depose him, and fearing to be brought to account for the vices which had disgraced the tiara, as well as for the crimes which had secured it.
그 참칭 법왕들은 모두 자기들의 신변의 안전을 위하여 직접 그 회의에 참석하지 않고 그들의 대표자들을 참석시켰다 . 법왕 요한은 표면상으로 그 회의의 소집자였지마는 , 황제가 자기를 폐하려는 은밀한 목적이나 없는지 , 또는 자기가 삼층관을 얻기 위하여 자행한 범죄와 그 삼층관을 욕되게 한 행위에 대하여 문책당하지나 않을지 하는 여러 가지 불안과 의구심 ( 疑懼心 ) 을 가지고 회의에 임하였다 .


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