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This dish, which is similar to poutine, is found in most of the island's fast-food outlets, and consists of thick cut chips, covered in shredded Manx Cheddar cheese and topped with a thick gravy.[19] Baked potato with a variety of toppings such as chilli beans, is a popular fast-food dish not typically served in English take-aways. Seafood has traditionally accounted for a large proportion of the local diet. Although commercial fishing has declined in recent years, local delicacies include Manx kippers (smoked herring) which are produced by the smokeries in Peel on the west coast of the island, albeit mainly from North Sea herring these days.[citation needed] The smokeries also produce other specialities including smoked salmon and bacon.
Este plato, similar a la poutine canadiense, puede ser adquirido en la mayoría de los establecimientos de comida rápida de la isla y es preparado con papas fritas, queso cheddar manés y una capa espesa de gravy.[54] También son especialidades de la isla el cordero manés, o loaghtan, una raza de borrego indígena de la isla, que posee carne oscura de buen sabor, los quesos de varios sabores, el pay de mora azul, el helado, el chocolate, el salmón y otras carnes ahumadas y la cerveza, producida en varias cervecerías locales desde hace varios siglos.[53] [55] DeportesEditar


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