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Author: WikiMatrix


The Einsatzgruppen worked hand-in-hand with the Orpo Police Battalions on the Eastern Front to carry out operations ranging from the murder of a few people to operations which lasted over two or more days, such as the massacre at Babi Yar with 33,771 Jews killed in two days, and the Rumbula massacre (with about 25,000 killed in two days of shooting).
특수작전집단은 동부전선에서 사람 한두 명을 처형하는 일에서부터 며칠 밤낮에 걸쳐 수많은 사람을 죽이는 집단학살(이틀 동안 유대인 33,771명을 죽인 바비 야르 학살, 이틀 동안 25,000 여명을 사살한 룸불라 학살 등)에 이르기까지 다양한 살해 활동을 했고 그때마다 질서경찰들과 긴밀히 제휴했다.


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