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Gobeithio y bydd undeb credyd , fel rhan o strategaeth ehangach , yn helpu i adfywio cymuned gorllewin canol y Rhyl , ac y gall hynny wedyn weithredu fel esiampl i rannau eraill o Gymru gyda phroblemau cymdeithasol tebyg , o gymuned sy'n codi ei hun gerfydd ei gareiau esgidiau ei hun -- sef nod undebau credyd -- fel rhan o'r cynllun Rhoi Cymunedau'n Gyntaf
I hope that a credit union will , as part of a wider strategy , help to regenerate the community of west-central Rhyl , and that that can then act as an example to other parts of Wales with similar social problems , of a community lifting itself by its own bootstraps -- which is what credit unions are all about -- as part of the Communities First scheme


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