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He wrote, "...the blood doth enter into every member through the arteries, and does return by the veins, and that the veins are the vessels and ways by which the blood is returned to the heart itself; and that the blood in the members and extremities does pass from the arteries into the veins (either mediately by an anastomosis, or immediately through the porosities of the flesh, or both ways) as before it did in the heart and thorax out of the veins, into the arteries..." Marcello Malpighi was the first to observe directly and correctly describe capillaries, discovering them in a frog's lung in 1661.
Escribiu: "...o sangue entra en cada membro a través das arterias, e retorna polas veas, e que as veas son os vasos e vías polas cales o sangue volve ao propio corazón; e que o sangue nos membros e extremidades pasa desde as arterias ás veas (ou mediante unha anastomose, ou directamente por porosidades da carne, ou polas dúas vías) como antes fixo no corazón e no tórax saíndo fóra das veas cara ao interior das arterias..." Marcello Malpighi foi o primeiro que observou directamente e describiu correctamente os capilares no pulmón de ras en 1661.


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