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Author: EurLex-2


За да разсее съществуващите съмнения, The Person Appointed by the Lord Chancellor under Section 76 of the Trade Marks Act 1994, on Appeal from the Registrar of Trade Marks решава да спре производството и да постави на Съда следните преюдициални въпроси:
Za účelem odstranění těchto pochybností se The Person Appointed by the Lord Chancellor under Section 76 of the Trade Marks Act 1994, on Appeal from the Registrar of Trade Marks, rozhodla přerušit řízení a položit Soudnímu dvoru následující předběžné otázky:
Den af Lord Chancellor i henhold til Section 76 i Trade Marks Act 1994 udpegede dommer vedrørende afgørelser truffet af Registrar of Trade Marks har besluttet at udsætte sagen og forelægge Domstolen følgende præjudicielle spørgsmål:
Um diese Zweifel zu beseitigen, hat das vorlegende Gericht das Verfahren ausgesetzt und dem Gerichtshof folgende Fragen zur Vorabentscheidung vorgelegt:
Προς άρση των ως άνω αμφιβολιών, ο Person Appointed by the Lord Chancellor under Section 76 of the Trade Marks Act 1994, on Appeal from the Registrar of Trade Marks, αποφάσισε να αναστείλει την ενώπιόν του διαδικασία και να υποβάλει στο Δικαστήριο τα ακόλουθα προδικαστικά ερωτήματα:
In order to dispel those doubts, the Person Appointed by the Lord Chancellor under section 76 of the Trade Marks Act 1994, on Appeal from the Registrar of Trade Marks, decided to stay the proceedings and to refer the following questions to the Court of Justice for a preliminary ruling:
Para resolver esas dudas The Person Appointed by the Lord Chancellor under Section 76 of the Trade Marks Act 1994, on Appeal from the Registrar of Trade Marks, decidió suspender el procedimiento y planteó al Tribunal de Justicia las siguientes cuestiones prejudiciales:
The Person Appointed by the Lord Chancellor under Section 76 of the Trade Marks Act 1994, on Appeal from the Registrar of Trade Marks otsustas nende kahtluste hajutamiseks menetluse peatada ja esitas Euroopa Kohtule järgmised eelotsuse küsimused:
Saadakseen selvyyden näihin asioihin The Person Appointed by the Lord Chancellor under Section 76 of the Trade Marks Act 1994, on Appeal from the Registrar of Trade Marks päätti lykätä asian käsittelyä ja esittää unionin tuomioistuimelle seuraavat ennakkoratkaisukysymykset:
Afin de dissiper ces doutes, The Person Appointed by the Lord Chancellor under Section 76 of the Trade Marks Act 1994, on Appeal from the Registrar of Trade Marks, a décidé de surseoir à statuer et a saisi la Cour des questions préjudicielles suivantes:
E kétségek eloszlatása végett a The Person Appointed by the Lord Chancellor under Section 76 of the Trade Marks Act 1994, on Appeal from the Registrar of Trade Marks úgy döntött, hogy felfüggeszti az eljárást, és előzetes döntéshozatal céljából a következő kérdéseket terjeszti a Bíróság elé:
Allo scopo di dissipare tali dubbi, The Person Appointed by the Lord Chancellor under Section 76 of the Trade Marks Act 1994, on Appeal from the Registrar of Trade Marks, ha deciso di sospendere il procedimento e di sottoporre alla Corte le seguenti questioni pregiudiziali:
Siekdamas išsklaidyti minėtas abejones The Person Appointed by the Lord Chancellor under Section 76 of the Trade Marks Act 1994, on Appeal from the Registrar of Trade Marks nusprendė sustabdyti bylos nagrinėjimą ir pateikti Teisingumo Teismui tokius prejudicinius klausimus:
Lai kliedētu šīs šaubas, The Person Appointed by the Lord Chancellor under Section 76 of the Trade Marks Act 1994, on Appeal from the Registrar of Trade Marks, nolēma apturēt tiesvedību un uzdot Tiesai šādus prejudiciālos jautājumus:
Sabiex jitwarrbu dawn id-dubji, The Person Appointed by the Lord Chancellor under Section 76 of the Trade Marks Act 1994, on Appeal from the Registrar of Trade Marks iddeċieda li jissospendi l-proċeduri quddiemu u li jirreferi lill-Qorti tal-Ġustizzja d-domandi preliminari li ġejjin:
Om deze twijfels weg te nemen heeft The Person Appointed by the Lord Chancellor under Section 76 of the Trade Marks Act 1994, on Appeal from the Registrar of Trade Marks, besloten de behandeling van de zaak te schorsen en het Hof de volgende prejudiciële vragen te stellen:
Aby rozwiać te wątpliwości, The Person Appointed by the Lord Chancellor under Section 76 of the Trade Marks Act 1994, on Appeal from the Registrar of Trade Marks postanowił zawiesić postępowanie i zwrócić się do Trybunału z następującymi pytaniami prejudycjalnymi:
Com a finalidade de dissipar estas dúvidas, The Person Appointed by the Lord Chancellor under Section 76 of the Trade Marks Act 1994, on Appeal from the Registrar of Trade Marks, decidiu suspender a instância e colocar ao Tribunal de Justiça as questões prejudiciais seguintes:
Pentru a înlătura aceste îndoieli, The Person Appointed by the Lord Chancellor under Section 76 of the Trade Marks Act 1994, on Appeal from the Registrar of Trade Marks, a hotărât să suspende judecarea cauzei și a sesizat Curtea cu următoarele întrebări preliminare:
Na účely odstránenia týchto pochybností sa The Person Appointed by the Lord Chancellor under section 76 of the Trade Marks Act 1994, on Appeal from the Registrar of Trade Marks rozhodol prerušiť konanie o položiť Súdnemu dvoru tieto prejudiciálne otázky:
Person Appointed by the Lord Chancellor under Section 76 of the Trade Marks Act 1994, on Appeal from the Registrar of Trade Mark je za odpravo teh dvomov prekinil postopek in Sodišču v predhodno odločanje predložil ta vprašanja:
För att undanröja denna ovisshet, beslutade The Person Appointed by the Lord Chancellor under Section 76 of the Trade Marks Act 1994, on Appeal from the Registrar of Trade Marks att vilandeförklara målet och ställa följande tolkningsfrågor till domstolen:


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