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Author: EurLex-2


Освен това тя твърди, че с оглед на изисквания минимум от 10 точки за тест г) възприела различен подход и подготовка — по-специално при разпределение на времето и подбора на най-важните части от теста — в сравнение с този, който би имала, ако нямало изискван минимум за този тест („in order to succeed in test [d] with a pass mark of 10, I had a different approach and preparation [time management, focusing on the most important parts, etc.] than if there was no pass mark“).
Žalobkyně kromě toho tvrdí, že vzhledem k požadovanému minimu 10 bodů pro test d) zvolila jiný přístup a přípravu, zejména pokud jde o hospodaření s časem a výběr nejdůležitějších částí testu, než jaké by zvolila v případě, že by pro tento test nebylo minimum požadováno („in order to succeed in test [d] with a pass mark of 10, I had a different approach and preparation [time management, focusing on the most important parts, etc.] than if there was no pass mark“).
Sagsøgeren har endvidere anført, at hun, henset til, at det krævede minimum for prøve d) var 10 point, valgte en fremgangsmåde og tilrettelagde sin forberedelse navnlig hvad angår tidsforbrug og udvælgelsen af de vigtigste dele af prøven på en anden måde, end hun ville have gjort, hvis der ikke havde været opstillet et krævet minimum for denne prøve (»in order to succeed in test [d] with a pass mark of 10, I had a different approach and preparation [time management, focusing on the most important parts, etc.] than if there was no pass mark«).
Sie trägt weiter vor, in Anbetracht der erforderlichen Mindestpunktzahl von 10 Punkten für Test d habe sie – insbesondere im Hinblick auf die Einteilung ihrer Zeit und die Auswahl der wichtigsten Teile des Tests – eine andere Herangehensweise und Vorbereitung gewählt, als wenn es für diesen Test keine erforderliche Mindestpunktzahl gegeben hätte („in order to succeed in test [d] with a pass mark of 10, I had a different approach and preparation [time management, focusing on the most important parts, etc.] than if there was no pass mark“).
Η προσφεύγουσα επισημαίνει επίσης ότι, δεδομένου του ελάχιστου αριθμού των δέκα μονάδων που απαιτείτο για την εξέταση d), η ίδια είχε ακολουθήσει διαφορετική προσέγγιση και μέθοδο προετοιμασίας, ιδίως από πλευράς διαχειρίσεως του χρόνου της και επιλογής των σημαντικότερων τμημάτων της εξετάσεως, από εκείνες που θα είχε ακολουθήσει αν για τη συγκεκριμένη εξέταση δεν προβλεπόταν βαθμολογική βάση («in order to succeed in test [d] with a pass mark of 10, I had a different approach and preparation [time management, focusing on the most important parts, etc.] than if there was no pass mark»).
She asserts, moreover, that, in the light of the pass mark of 10 for test (d), she had adopted a different approach and preparation, in particular with respect to managing her time and selecting the most important parts of the test, from those which she would have adopted had there been no pass mark for that test (‘in order to succeed in test (d) with a pass mark of 10, I had a different approach and preparation (time management, focusing on the most important parts, etc.) than if there was no pass mark’).
Afirma además que, habida cuenta del mínimo requerido para superar el test d) (10 puntos), había adoptado un enfoque y seguido una preparación diferentes, concretamente en el plano de la gestión del tiempo y la selección de las partes más importantes de los tests, de aquellos que habría adoptado si no hubiera existido un mínimo requerido para superar dicho test («in order to succeed in test [d] with a pass mark of 10, I had a different approach and preparation [time management, focusing on the most important parts, etc.] than if there was no pass mark»).
Ta kinnitab lisaks, et võttes arvesse minimaalset nõutavat punktisummat, milleks testi d puhul oli 10 punkti, oli ta valinud teistsuguse lähenemise ja ettevalmistusmetoodika ‐ eelkõige oma aja planeerimise ja testi tähtsaimate osade väljavalimise osas ‐ kui ta oleks valinud siis, kui selle testi puhul ei oleks olnud kehtestatud minimaalset nõutavat punktisummat („in order to succeed in test [d] with a pass mark of 10, I had a different approach and preparation [time management, focusing on the most important parts, etc.] than if there was no pass mark”).
Kantaja toteaa lisäksi, että saavuttaakseen kokeesta d vaaditun vähimmäispistemäärän 10 hän oli toiminut ja valmistautunut eri tavalla erityisesti ajankäytössään ja valitessaan kokeen tärkeimpiä osia, kuin miten hän olisi toiminut ja valmistautunut siinä tapauksessa, ettei tässä kokeessa olisi vaadittu vähimmäispistemäärän saavuttamista (”in order to succeed in test [d] with a pass mark of 10, I had a different approach and preparation [time management, focusing on the most important parts, etc.] than if there was no pass mark”).
Elle affirme en outre que, eu égard au minimum requis de 10 points pour le test d), elle avait adopté une approche et une préparation différentes, notamment sur le plan de la gestion de son temps et la sélection des parties les plus importantes du test, de celles qu’elle aurait adoptées s’il n’y avait pas eu de minimum requis pour ce test (« in order to succeed in test [d] with a pass mark of 10, I had a different approach and preparation [time management, focusing on the most important parts, etc.] than if there was no pass mark »).
Ezenkívül a felperes azt állítja, hogy a d) tesztre vonatkozó 10 pontos minimálisan elérendő pontszámra tekintettel eltérő megközelítést és felkészülést alkalmazott – többek között az időbeosztása és a teszt legfontosabb részeinek kiválasztása szempontjából – ahhoz képest, amelyet akkor alkalmazott volna, ha ennek a tesztnek nem lett volna minimálisan elérendő pontszáma („in order to succeed in test [d] with a pass mark of 10, I had a different approach and preparation [time management, focusing on the most important parts, etc.] than if there was no pass mark”).
Ella asserisce inoltre che, alla luce del minimo richiesto di 10 punti per il test d), ella aveva adottato un orientamento e una preparazione diversi, in particolare sul piano della gestione del suo tempo e della selezione delle parti più importanti del test, rispetto a quelli che ella avrebbe adottato se non vi fosse stato un minimo richiesto per tale test («in order to succeed in test [d] with a pass mark of 10, I had a different approach and preparation [time management, focusing on the most important parts, etc.] than if there was no pass mark»).
Be to, ji teigia, kad atsižvelgdama į reikalaujamą minimalų 10 balų skaičių už d egzaminą laikėsi kitokio požiūrio ir skirtingai ruošėsi, be kita ko, kalbant apie laiko, skirto egzaminams, valdymą ir svarbiausių egzamino dalių pasirinkimą, nei būtų tai dariusi, jei nebūtų nustatytas reikalaujamas minimalus balų skaičius už šį egzaminą („in order to succeed in test [d] with a pass mark of 10, I had a different approach and preparation [time management, focusing on the most important parts, etc] than if there was no pass mark“).
Prasītāja turklāt apliecina, ka, ņemot vērā nepieciešamo minimumu – 10 punktus – d) testā, viņai esot bijusi citāda pieeja un viņa esot citādi gatavojusies, it īpaši laika plānojuma un svarīgāko testa daļu izvēles ziņā, – salīdzinājumā ar pieeju un gatavošanos, ko viņa būtu izmantojusi, ja šajā testā nebūtu bijis nepieciešamais minimums (“in order to succeed in test [d] with a pass mark of 10, I had a different approach and preparation [time management, focusing on the most important parts, etc.] than if there was no pass mark”).
Hija tafferma, barra minn hekk, li, fid-dawl tal-minimu meħtieġ ta’ 10 punti għat-test (d), hija kienet adottat approċċ u preparazzjoni differenti, b’mod partikolari fir-rigward tal-ġestjoni tal-ħin tagħha u l-għażla tal-partijiet l-iktar importanti tat-test, minn dak li hija kienet tadotta kieku ma kienx hemm il-minimu meħtieġ għal dak it-test (“in order to succeed in test [d] with a pass mark of 10, I had a different approach and preparation [time management, focusing on the most important parts, etc.] than if there was no pass mark”).
Gelet op het vereiste minimum van 10 punten voor toets d), had zij, met name wat de indeling van haar tijd en de selectie van de belangrijkste onderdelen van de toets betreft, een andere benadering en voorbereiding gevolgd dan het geval was geweest indien er voor die toets geen minimumscore gold („in order to succeed in test [d] with a pass mark of 10, I had a different approach and preparation [time management, focusing on the most important parts, etc.] than if there was no pass mark”).
Skarżąca stwierdza ponadto, że biorąc pod uwagę wymagane minimum 10 punktów za test d), przyjęła inne podejście i sposób przygotowania, w szczególności w zakresie zarządzania swoim czasem i wyboru najważniejszych części testu, niż to, które przyjęłaby, gdyby za ten test nie przewidziano wymaganego minimum punktów („in order to succeed in test [d] with a pass mark of 10, I had a different approach and preparation [time management, focusing on the most important parts, etc.] than if there was no pass mark”).
Afirma, além disso, que, em relação ao mínimo de 10 pontos exigido para o teste d), a recorrente tinha adotado uma abordagem e uma preparação diferentes, em especial na gestão do seu tempo e na seleção das partes mais importantes do teste, das que teria escolhido se para este teste não houvesse um mínimo exigido («in order to succeed in test [d] with a pass mark of 10, I had a different approach and preparation [time management, focusing on the most important parts, etc.] than if there was no pass mark»).
În plus, aceasta susține că, având în vedere punctajul minim obligatoriu de 10 puncte pentru testul (d), a adoptat o abordare și o pregătire diferite, în special în ceea ce privește gestionarea timpului și selectarea părților celor mai importante ale testului, față de cele pe care le‐ar fi adoptat dacă nu ar fi existat un punctaj minim obligatoriu pentru acest test („in order to succeed in test [d] with a pass mark of 10, I had a different approach and preparation [time management, focusing on the most important parts, etc.] than if there was no pass mark”).
Okrem iného tvrdí, že vzhľadom na požadovaný minimálny počet 10 bodov za test d) si zvolila odlišný prístup a prípravu, najmä z hľadiska využitia svojho času a výberu najdôležitejších častí testu, ako by si zvolila v prípade, ak by sa za tento test nevyžadovalo požadované minimum bodov („in order to succeed in test [d] with a pass mark of 10, I had a different approach and preparation [time management, focusing on the most important parts, etc.] than if there was no pass mark“).
Med drugim trdi, da je zaradi najmanjšega zahtevanega števila 10 točk za test d ubrala drugačen pristop in se drugače pripravljala, zlasti kar zadeva razporejanje njenega časa in izbiro najpomembnejših delov testa, kot bi to storila, če ne bi bilo najmanjšega zahtevanega števila točk za ta test („in order to succeed in test [d] with a pass mark of 10, I had a different approach and preparation [time management, focusing on the most important parts, etc.] than if there was no pass mark“).
Isabel Mendes har dessutom hävdat att hon, med hänsyn till kravet för godkänt på 10 poäng för delprov d, hade valt en annan taktik och andra förberedelser, särskilt vad gäller hur hon disponerade sin tid och valde ut de viktigaste delarna av provet, än vad hon skulle ha gjort om det inte hade funnits något krav för godkänt för detta delprov (”in order to succeed in test [d] with a pass mark of 10, I had a different approach and preparation [time management, focusing on the most important parts, etc.] than if there was no pass mark”).


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