Besonderhede van voorbeeld: 2812953541520620370


Author: cordis


Die Wissenschaftler des EU-finanzierten Projekts LUNGCARD (Point-of-care blood device for fast and reliable prediction of drug response in non- small-cell lung carcinoma patients from blood samples) machten sich an die Entwicklung eines patientennahen Geräts, das diese Lücke schließen kann.
Scientists on the EU-funded LUNGCARD (Point-of-care blood device for fast and reliable prediction of drug response in non- small-cell lung carcinoma patients from blood samples) project set out to develop a point-of-care device that can address these bottlenecks.
El equipo de científicos del proyecto financiado por la Unión Europea LUNGCARD (Point-of-care blood device for fast and reliable prediction of drug response in non- small-cell lung carcinoma patients from blood samples) se propuso desarrollar un dispositivo para pruebas analíticas inmediatas que pueden resolver estos inconvenientes.
Financés par l'UE dans le cadre du projet LUNGCARD (Point-of-care blood device for fast and reliable prediction of drug response in non- small-cell lung carcinoma patients from blood samples), des chercheurs ont tenté de développer un dispositif d'analyse à utiliser sur le lieu d'intervention qui permettrait de résoudre ces problèmes.
Gli scienziati del progetto LUNGCARD (Point-of-care blood device for fast and reliable prediction of drug response in non- small-cell lung carcinoma patients from blood samples), finanziato dall’UE, hanno cercato di sviluppare un dispositivo da utilizzare nel punto di cura in grado di affrontare queste problematiche.
W ramach projektu LUNGCARD (Point-of-care blood device for fast and reliable prediction of drug response in non- small-cell lung carcinoma patients from blood samples), finansowanego ze środków UE, naukowcy pracowali nad stworzeniem urządzenia działającego w punkcie opieki, umożliwiającym wyeliminowanie tych ograniczeń.


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