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Author: not-set


Har Kommissionen indsigt i de tekniske spørgsmål om datasikkerhed, der vil opstå i forbindelse med firmakonsortiet "Trusted Computing Platform Alliance"'s indførelse af Palladium softwarekomponenterne og TPM mikroprocessoren, og i bekræftende fald, hvilken?
Liegen der Europäischen Kommission Erkenntnisse über die datensicherheits-technischen Fragen, die in Verbindung mit der Einführung der Softwarekomponente Palladium und des Microprozessors TPM (Trusted Platform Module) durch das Firmenkonsortium "Trusted Computing Platform Alliance" (TCPA) vor, und wenn ja, welche?
Does the Commission have any information concerning the technical data-security questions linked to the introduction of the software component palladium and the microprocessor TPM (Trusted Platform Module) by the consortium Trusted Computing Platform Alliance (TPCA), and if so, what information does it have?
Dispone la Commissione di informazioni sui problemi tecnici inerenti alla sicurezza dei dati contestuali all'introduzione del componente software Palladio e del microprocessore TPM (Trusted Platform Module) da parte del consorzio "Trusted Computing Platform Alliance" (TCPA)? In caso affermativo, di quali informazioni si tratta?
Heeft de Europese Commissie informatie over de technische kwesties met betrekking tot gegevensbescherming in verband met de invoering van de softwarecomponent Palladium en de microprocessor TPM (Trusted Platform Module) door het consortium van ondernemingen "Trusted Computing Platform Alliance" en zo ja, welke?
Tem a Comissão conhecimento das questões de natureza técnica relativa à segurança de dados suscitadas pelo lançamento no mercado do componente de software Palladium e do microprocessador TPM (Trusted Platform Module) pelo consórcio "Trusted Computing Platform Alliance" (TCPA) e, em caso afirmativo, pode indicar quais são esses problemas?


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