Besonderhede van voorbeeld: 2883552153680040132


Author: EurLex-2


На следващо място тя отбелязва, че ако не е била поправката, кандидатите, които не са имали изисквания минимум за тест г), са щели да бъдат елиминирани, но поправката коренно променила картината, изменяйки броя и състава на групата кандидати, допуснати до следващия етап („[c]andidates with no pass mark in test [d] would be eliminated, but the corrigendum changes radically this [...] the population of candidates to be admitted to the next stage would change in both composition and numbers“).
Žalobkyně dále zdůrazňuje, že bez opravy by byli uchazeči, kteří nedosáhli požadovaného minima v testu d), vyloučeni, avšak že oprava výrazně změnila situaci tím, že změnila počet a složení skupiny uchazečů připuštěných do další fáze ([c]andidates with no pass mark in test [d] would be eliminated, but the corrigendum changes radically this [...] the population of candidates to be admitted to the next stage would change in both composition and numbers).
Sagsøgeren har dernæst anført, at hvis der ses bort fra berigtigelsen, ville de ansøgere, der ikke havde opnået det krævede minimum i prøve d), blive udelukket, og at berigtigelsen indebar en væsentlig ændring af situationen, idet antallet og sammensætningen af den gruppe ansøgere, der fik adgang til den næste fase, blev ændret (»[c]andidates with no pass mark in test [d] would be eliminated, but the corrigendum changes radically this [...] the population of candidates to be admitted to the next stage would change in both composition and numbers«).
Anschließend stellt sie fest, dass Bewerber, die nicht die erforderliche Mindestpunktzahl in Test d erzielt hätten, ohne die Berichtigung ausgeschlossen worden wären, dass die Berichtigung die Situation aber radikal verändert habe, indem sie die Zahl und die Zusammensetzung der Gruppe der zur nächsten Phase zugelassenen Bewerber modifiziert habe („[c]andidates with no pass mark in test [d] would be eliminated, but the corrigendum changes radically this ... the population of candidates to be admitted to the next stage would change in both composition and numbers“).
Η προσφεύγουσα επισημαίνει εν συνεχεία ότι, άνευ του διορθωτικού, υποψήφιοι οι οποίοι δεν είχαν λάβει τη βάση στην εξέταση d) θα αποκλείονταν, πλην όμως το διορθωτικό μετέβαλε ριζικώς την κατάσταση, τροποποιώντας τον αριθμό και τη σύνθεση του κύκλου των επιτυχόντων που έγιναν δεκτοί στο επόμενο στάδιο του διαγωνισμού («[c]andidates with no pass mark in test [d] would be eliminated, but the corrigendum changes radically this [...] the population of candidates to be admitted to the next stage would change in both composition and numbers»).
She then observes that, without the corrigendum, candidates who did not achieve the pass mark in test (d) would be eliminated, but that the corrigendum radically changed the situation, altering the number and composition of the group of candidates admitted to the following stage (‘[c]andidates with no pass mark in test 9 (d) would be eliminated, but the corrigendum changes radically this ... the population of candidates to be admitted to the next stage would change in both composition and numbers’).
A continuación, señala que, de no existir la corrección de errores, los candidatos que no hubieran alcanzado la puntuación mínima requerida en el test d) habrían sido eliminados, pero que la corrección de errores alteró radicalmente la situación, modificando el número y la composición del grupo de candidatos admitidos a la fase siguiente («candidates with no pass mark in test [d] would be eliminated, but the corrigendum changes radically this [...] the population of candidates to be admitted to the next stage would change in both composition and numbers»).
Pärast seda ta märgib, et ilma paranduseta oleks kandidaadid, kes ei saanud testi d eest minimaalset nõutavat punktisummat, konkurentsist välja jäänud, kuid parandus muutis olukorda põhjalikult, muutes järgmisse etappi lubatud kandidaatide arvu ja selle kandidaatiderühma koosseisu („[c]andidates with no pass mark in test [d] would be eliminated, but the corrigendum changes radically this [...] the population of candidates to be admitted to the next stage would change in both composition and numbers”).
Hän toteaa seuraavaksi, että jollei oikaisua olisi tehty, hakijat, jotka eivät saaneet vaadittua vähimmäispistemäärää kokeessa d, olisivat karsiutuneet, mutta oikaisu muutti tilannetta perustavanlaatuisesti muuttamalla seuraavaan vaiheeseen hyväksyttyjen hakijoiden lukumäärää ja tämän ryhmän kokoonpanoa (”[c]andidates with no pass mark in test [d] would be eliminated, but the corrigendum changes radically this – – the population of candidates to be admitted to the next stage would change in both composition and numbers”).
Elle relève ensuite que, sans le rectificatif, les candidats qui n’atteignaient pas le minimum requis dans le test d) seraient éliminés, mais que le rectificatif changeait radicalement la situation, en modifiant le nombre et la composition du groupe de candidats admis à la phase suivante (« [c]andidates with no pass mark in test [d] would be eliminated, but the corrigendum changes radically this [...] the population of candidates to be admitted to the next stage would change in both composition and numbers »).
Ezt követően a felperes rámutat, hogy a helyesbítés nélkül kizárásra kerülnének azok a pályázók, akik a d) teszten nem érték el a minimálisan elérendő pontszámot, a helyesbítés azonban a következő szakaszra bocsátott pályázók csoportja számának és összetételének módosításával gyökeresen megváltoztatta a helyzetet („[c]andidates with no pass mark in test [d] would be eliminated, but the corrigendum changes radically this [...] the population of candidates to be admitted to the next stage would change in both composition and numbers”).
Ella rileva poi che, senza la rettifica, i candidati che non raggiungessero il minimo richiesto nel test d) sarebbero stati eliminati, ma la rettifica cambiava radicalmente la situazione, modificando il numero e la composizione del gruppo di candidati ammesso alla fase successiva [«[c]andidates with no pass mark in test [d] would be eliminated, but the corrigendum changes radically this (...) the population of candidates to be admitted to the next stage would change in both composition and numbers»].
Vėliau ji pažymi, kad jei nebūtų klaidų ištaisymo, kandidatai, kurie nesurinko reikalaujamo minimalaus balų skaičiaus už d egzaminą, būtų buvę pašalinti iš konkurso, tačiau klaidų ištaisymu buvo iš esmės pakeista situacija, nes pakeistas kandidatų, kuriems leista dalyvauti kitame etape, skaičius ir jų grupės sudėtis („candidates with no pass mark in test [d] would be eliminated, but the corrigendum changes radically this <...> the population of candidates to be admitted to the next stage would change in both composition and numbers“).
Tāpat prasītāja norāda, ka bez šī labojuma kandidāti, kuri nebija saņēmuši nepieciešamo [punktu] minimumu d) testā, būtu izslēgti, bet ar labojumu situācija esot radikāli mainīta, grozot skaitu un sastāvu to kandidātu grupai, kuri ir pielaisti nākošajai konkursa kārtai (“[c]andidates with no pass mark in test [d] would be eliminated, but the corrigendum changes radically this [..] the population of candidates to be admitted to the next stage would change in both composition and numbers”).
Imbagħad hija tosserva li, mingħajr ir-rettifika, il-kandidati li ma jilħqux il-minimu meħtieġ fit-test (d) jiġu eliminati, iżda r-rettifika tibdel radikalment is-sitwazzjoni, billi tibdel in-numru u l-kompożizzjoni tal-grupp ta’ kandidati ammessi għall-fażi sussegwenti (“[c]andidates with no pass mark in test [d] would be eliminated, but the corrigendum changes radically this [...] the population of candidates to be admitted to the next stage would change in both composition and numbers”).
Vervolgens merkt zij op dat kandidaten die voor toets d) niet het vereiste minimum hadden behaald zonder de rectificatie zouden zijn uitgeschakeld, maar dat de rectificatie deze situatie radicaal wijzigde, door het aantal en de samenstelling van de groep kandidaten die tot de volgende fase werden toegelaten te wijzigen („[c]andidates with no pass mark in test [d] would be eliminated, but the corrigendum changes radically this [...] the population of candidates to be admitted to the next stage would change in both composition and numbers”).
Skarżąca wskazuje następnie, że bez sprostowania do ogłoszenia o konkursie kandydaci, którzy nie uzyskali wymaganego minimum punktów w teście d), byliby wyeliminowani, jednak to sprostowanie diametralnie zmieniło sytuację, wpływając na liczebność oraz skład grupy kandydatów dopuszczonych do następnego etapu konkursu („[c]andidates with no pass mark in test [d] would be eliminated, but the corrigendum changes radically this [...] the population of candidates to be admitted to the next stage would change in both composition and numbers”).
Seguidamente, salienta que, sem a retificação, os candidatos que não atingissem o mínimo exigido no teste d) seriam eliminados, mas que a retificação alterava radicalmente a situação, por modificar o número e a composição do grupo de candidatos admitidos à fase seguinte («[c]andidates with no pass mark in test [d] would be eliminated, but the corrigendum changes radically this [...] the population of candidates to be admitted to the next stage would change in both composition and numbers»).
Aceasta arată în continuare că, fără rectificare, candidații care nu obțineau punctajul minim obligatoriu la testul (d) ar fi eliminați, însă rectificarea a schimbat radical situația, modificând numărul și componența grupului de candidați admiși în etapa următoare („[c]andidates with no pass mark in test [d] would be eliminated, but the corrigendum changes radically this [...] the population of candidates to be admitted to the next stage would change in both composition and numbers”).
Ďalej zdôrazňuje, že bez korigenda by uchádzači, ktorí nedosiahli požadované minimum bodov v teste d), boli vylúčení, ale že korigendum zásadne zmenilo situáciu tým, že zmenilo počet a zloženie skupiny uchádzačov pripustených do ďalšej fázy („[c]andidates with no pass mark in test [d] would be eliminated, but the corrigendum changes radically this... the population of candidates to be admitted to the next stage would change in both composition and numbers“).
Dalje poudarja, da bi bili kandidati, ki niso dosegli najmanjšega zahtevanega števila točk pri testu d, izločeni, če ne bi bilo popravka, s katerim se je bistveno spremenil položaj, saj sta se s tem popravkom spremenila število in sestava skupine kandidatov, ki se bodo lahko udeležili naslednje faze („[c]andidates with no pass mark in test [d] would be eliminated, but the corrigendum changes radically this [...] the population of candidates to be admitted to the next stage would change in both composition and numbers“).
Hon har vidare påpekat att utan rättelsen skulle de sökande som inte nådde upp till godkänt resultat i delprov d ha blivit uteslutna, men att rättelsen förändrade situationen radikalt, genom att ändra antalet och sammansättningen i den grupp av sökande som fick delta i nästa skede (”[c]andidates with no pass mark in test [d] would be eliminated, but the corrigendum changes radically this ... the population of candidates to be admitted to the next stage would change in both composition and numbers”).


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