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Author: langbot


Marriage 1And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, 2Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, I am the LORD your God. 3After the doings of the land of Egypt, wherein ye dwelt, shall ye not do: and after the doings of the land of Canaan, whither I bring you, shall ye not do: neither shall ye walk in their ordinances. 4Ye shall do my judgments, and keep mine ordinances, to walk therein: I am the LORD your God. 5Ye shall therefore keep my statutes, and my judgments: which if a man do, he shall live in them: I am the LORD. 6None of you shall approach to any that is near of kin to him, to uncover their nakedness: I am the LORD. 7The nakedness of thy father, or the nakedness of thy mother, shalt thou not uncover: she is thy mother; thou shalt not uncover her nakedness. 8The nakedness of thy father's wife shalt thou not uncover: it is thy father's nakedness. 9The nakedness of thy sister, the daughter of thy father, or daughter of thy mother, whether she be born at home, or born abroad, even their nakedness thou shalt not uncover. 10The nakedness of thy son's daughter, or of thy daughter's daughter, even their nakedness thou shalt not uncover: for their's is thine own nakedness. 11The nakedness of thy father's wife's daughter, begotten of thy father, she is thy sister, thou shalt not uncover her nakedness. 12Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy father's sister: she is thy father's near kinswoman. 13Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy mother's sister: for she is thy mother's near kinswoman. 14Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy father's brother, thou shalt not approach to his wife: she is thine aunt. 15Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy daughter in law: she is thy son's wife; thou shalt not uncover her nakedness. 16Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy brother's wife: it is thy brother's nakedness. 17Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of a woman and her daughter, neither shalt thou take her son's daughter, or her daughter's daughter, to uncover her nakedness; for they are her near kinswomen: it is wickedness. 18Neither shalt thou take a wife to her sister, to vex her, to uncover her nakedness, beside the other in her life time. 19Also thou shalt not approach unto a woman to uncover her nakedness, as long as she is put apart for her uncleanness. 20Moreover thou shalt not lie carnally with thy neighbour's wife, to defile thyself with her. 21And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I am the LORD. 22Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. 23Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is confusion. 24Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things: for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out before you: 25and the land is defiled: therefore I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it, and the land itself vomiteth out her inhabitants. 26Ye shall therefore keep my statutes and my judgments, and shall not commit any of these abominations; neither any of your own nation, nor any stranger that sojourneth among you: 27(for all these abominations have the men of the land done, which were before you, and the land is defiled;) 28that the land spue not you out also, when ye defile it, as it spued out the nations that were before you. 29For whosoever shall commit any of these abominations, even the souls that commit them shall be cut off from among their people. 30Therefore shall ye keep mine ordinance, that ye commit not any one of these abominable customs, which were committed before you, and that ye defile not yourselves therein: I am the LORD your God.
Kolmow Reydhel Anlaghel 1Ha'n ARLOEDH a gewsis orth Moyses, ow leverel: 2Kows orth mebyon Ysrael ha leverel dhedha: An ARLOEDH agas Duw ov vy. 3Ny wrewgh naneyl war-lergh gwriansow pow Ejyp le mayth esewgh trigys, na war-lergh gwriansow pow Kanan le mayth esov orth agas dri, na gwrewgh hwi kerdhes war-lergh aga ordenansow. 4Hwi a wra ow breusow vy ha synsi ow ordenansow vy dhe gerdhes ynna. An ARLOEDH agas Duw ov vy. 5Ytho, hwi a syns ow ordenansow vy ha'm breusow vy. Den mar kwra hemma, ev a vew ynna. An ARLOEDH ov vy. 6Ny wra denvyth ahanowgh dos nes dhe neshevin dhe dhiskudha aga noethedh. An ARLOEDH ov vy. 7Ny wredh diskudha noethedh dha das na noethedh dha vamm. Dha vamm yw hi. Ny wredh diskudha hy noethedh. 8Ny wredh diskudha noethedh gwreg dha das. Noethedh dha das yw. 9Ny wredh diskudha noethedh dha hwoer, myrgh dha das, po myrgh dha vamm, genys tre po genys tyller arall kyn fe. Ny wredh diskudha aga noethedh. 10Ny wredh diskudha noethedh myrgh dha vab na myrgh dha vyrgh. Ny wredh diskudha aga noethedh. Aga noethedh yw dha noethedh dha honan. 11Ny wredh diskudha noethedh myrgh gwreg dha das, dineythys dhe'th tas. Dha hwoer yw hi. Ny wredh diskudha hy noethedh. 12Ny wredh diskudha noethedh hwoer dha das. Kares ogas dha das yw hi. 13Ny wredh diskudha noethedh hwoer dha vamm rag kares ogas dha vamm yw hi. 14Ny wredh diskudha noethedh broder dha das – ny wredh nesa dh'y wreg. Dha vodrep yw hi. 15Ny wredh diskudha noethedh dha wohydh. Gwreg dha vab yw hi. Ny wredh diskudha hy noethedh. 16Ny wredh diskudha noethedh gwreg dha vroder. Noethedh dha vroder yw. 17Ny wredh diskudha noethedh benyn ha'y myrgh. Ny wredh kemmeres yn demmedhyans myrgh hy mab na myrgh hy myrgh dhe dhiskudha hy noethedh. Hy neshevin yns i. Tra vethus yw. 18Ny gemmerydh yn demmedhyans hwoer dha wreg avel iswreg, dhe dhiskudha hy noethedh, ha hi yn few. 19Ny wredh dos nes dhe venyn dhe dhiskudha hy noethedh, ha hi diberthys drefenn hy avlander misyek. 20Ha ny wredh growedha yn reydhel gans gwreg dha gentrevek, owth omdhefola gensi. 21Ha ny wredh gasa dha has dhe vos sakrifiys dhe Molek, na ny wredh disakra hanow dha Dhuw. An ARLOEDH ov vy. 22Ny wredh growedha gans gorreydh kepar ha gans benynreydh. Tra gasadow yw. 23Ny wredh growedha gans best vyth dhe omdhefola ganso. Ny wra benyn vyth sevel dherag best dhe rowedha ganso. Podrogeth yw. 24Na wrewgh omdhefola mann der oll an taklow ma, rag der oll an taklow ma yw defolys an kenedhlow a dowlav yn-mes dheragowgh, 25ha defolys yw an tir. Ytho my a'n kessydhyas rag y gammweyth, ha'n tir y honan a hwyj yn-mes y drigoryon. 26Ytho hwi a syns ow ordenansow ha'm breusow ha ny wrewgh nagonan a'n taklow kasadow ma, naneyl an genesik na'n alyon trigys yn agas mysk. 27Rag gwer an tir a dheuth kyns hwi dhe dhos re wrug oll an taklow kasadow ma, ha defolys yw an tir; 28ma na wra an tir agas hwyja yn-mes ynwedh pan y'n defolowgh, dell hwyjas yn-mes an kenedhlow esa ena dheragowgh hwi. 29Peub a wrello taklow kasadow a'n par ma, an re a's gwra a vydh treghys dhe-ves dhiworth aga fobel. 30Ytho synsewgh ow charj, ma na wryllowgh travyth a'n ordenansow kasadow a'n par ma a veu gwrys kyns hwi dhe dhos, nag omdhefola dredha. An ARLOEDH agas Duw ov vy.


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