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10 Виж точка IV от основните заключения от 347-ата среща на административната комисия, проведена в Амстердам на 20—21 юни 2016 г. (AC 827/16) и становище на помирителния съвет от 9 май 2016 г., Opinion of the conciliation board in case CB‐4/15 concerning Austria and Hungary, Subject: Replacement of posted workers(AC 336/16).
10 – Jf. punkt IV i hovedkonklusionerne fra Den Administrative Kommissions 347. møde, afholdt i Amsterdam den 20. og 21.6.2016 (C.A. 827/16) og Forligsudvalgets udtalelse af 9.5.2016, Opinion of the conciliation board in case CB-4/15 concerning Austria and Hungary, Subject: Replacement of posted workers (AC 336/16).
10 Βλ. σημείο IV των κύριων συμπερασμάτων της 347ης συνεδριάσεως της διοικητικής επιτροπής, η οποία έλαβε χώρα στο Άμστερνταμ, στις 20 και 21 Ιουνίου 2016 (C.A. 827/16) και γνωμοδότηση της επιτροπής συνδιαλλαγής, της 9ης Μαΐου 2016, Opinion of the conciliation board in case CB-4/15 concerning Austria and Hungary, Subject : Replacement of posted workers (AC 336/16).
10 See point IV of the Main conclusions of the 347th meeting of the Administrative Commission, held in Amsterdam on 20 and 21 June 2016 (C.A. 827/16), and opinion of the Conciliation Board of 9 May 2016, Opinion of the Conciliation Board in case CB-4/15 concerning Austria and Hungary, Subject: Replacement of posted workers (AC 336/16).
10 Véanse el apartado IV de las principales conclusiones de la reunión n.o 347 de la Comisión Administrativa, celebrada en Ámsterdam, los días 20 y 21 de junio de 2016 (C.A. 827/16) y el dictamen del Comité de Conciliación, de 9 de mayo de 2016, Opinion of the conciliation board in case CB‐4/15 concerning Austria and Hungary, Subject: Replacement of posted workers (AC 336/16).
10 Vt 20. ja 21. juunil 2016 Amsterdamis toimunud halduskomisjoni 347. koosoleku põhijärelduste punkt IV (C.A. 827/16) ning lepituskomisjoni 9. mai 2016. aasta arvamus „Opinion of the conciliation board in case CB‐4/15 concerning Austria and Hungary, Subject: Replacement of posted workers“ (AC 336/16).
10 Ks. Amsterdamissa 20.–21.6.2016 pidetyn hallintotoimikunnan 347. kokouksen loppupäätelmien (C.A. 827/16) IV kohta sekä 9.5.2016 annettu sovittelukomitean lausunto Opinion of the conciliation board in case CB-4/15 concerning Austria and Hungary, Subject: Replacement of posted workers (AC 336/16).
10 Voir point IV des principales conclusions de la 347e réunion de la commission administrative, tenue à Amsterdam, les 20 et 21 juin 2016 (C.A. 827/16) et avis du comité de conciliation, du 9 mai 2016, Opinion of the conciliation board in case CB‐4/15 concerning Austria and Hungary, Subject : Replacement of posted workers (AC 336/16).
10 Vidjeti točku IV. glavnih zaključaka s 347. zasjedanja Administrativne komisije koje se 20. i 21. lipnja 2016. održalo u Amsterdamu (C.A. 827/16) i mišljenje Povjerenstva za mirenje od 9. svibnja 2016., Opinion of the conciliation board in case CB-4/15 concerning Austria and Hungary, Subject: Replacement of posted workers (AC 336/16).
10 Lásd az igazgatási bizottság 2016. június 20‐án és 21‐én Amszterdamban tartott 347. sz. ülésének főbb végkövetkeztetéseit (C.A. 827/16), valamint a békéltető testület 2016. május 9‐i véleményét, Opinion of the conciliation board in case CB‐4/15 concerning Austria and Hungary, Subject: Replacement of posted workers (AC 336/16).
10 Skat. Administratīvās komisijas Amsterdamā 2016. gada 20. un 21. jūnijā notikušās 347. sanāksmes galvenos secinājumus (C.A. 827/16) un Samierināšanas komitejas 2016. gada 9. maija atzinumu, Opinion of the conciliation board in case CB‐4/15 concerning Austria and Hungary, Subject: Replacement of posted workers (AC 336/16).
10 Zie punt IV van de belangrijkste conclusies van de 347e vergadering van de Administratieve Commissie van 20 en 21 juni 2016 te Amsterdam (C.A. 827/16) en het advies van het conciliatiecomité van 9 mei 2016, Opinion of the conciliation board in case CB-4/15 concerning Austria and Hungary, Subject: Replacement of posted workers (AC 336/16).
10 V. ponto IV das principais conclusões da 347.a reunião da Comissão Administrativa, realizada em Amesterdão, em 20 e 21 de junho de 2016 (C.A. 827/16) e parecer do Comité de Conciliação, de 9 de maio de 2016, Opinion of the conciliação board in case CB‐4/15 concerning Austria and Hungary, Subject: Replacement of posted workers (AC 336/16).
10 Pozri bod IV hlavných záverov 347. zasadnutia správnej komisie, ktoré sa uskutočnilo v Amsterdame 20. a 21. júna 2016 (C.A. 827/16) a stanovisko zmierovacieho výboru z 9. mája 2016 Opinion of the conciliation board in case CB‐4/15 concerning Austria and Hungary, Subject:Replacement of posted workers (AC 336/16).
10 Glej točko IV glavnih sklepov 347. seje Upravne komisije v Amsterdamu z dni 20. in 21. junija 2016 (C.A. 827/16) in mnenje Spravnega odbora z dne 9. maja 2016 Opinion of the conciliation board in case CB-4/15 concerning Austria and Hungary, Subject:Replacement of posted workers (AC 336/16).
10 Se punkt IV i slutsatserna från administrativa kommissionen Main conclusions of the 347th meeting of the Administrative Commission, Amsterdam, 20-21 June 2016 (AC 827/16) och yttrandet från förlikningskommittéen av den 9 maj 2016, Opinion of the conciliation board in case CB-4/15 concerning Austria and Hungary, Subject: Replacement of posted workers (AC 336/16).


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