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Author: eurlex


A Dictionary of Flowering Plants and Ferns, # издание (J. C. Willis, преработен от H. K. Airy Shaw, #, Cambridge University Press) за родовите синоними, които не фигурират в The Plant-Book, освен ако са заменени със стандартни контролни списъци, приети от Конференцията на страните по Конвенцията, на които се позовават буква “н” до “с”
A Dictionary of Flowering Plants and Ferns, #. vydání (J. C. Willis, revidováno H. K. Airy Shaw, #, Cambridge University Press) pro rodová synonyma neuvedená v The Plant Book, pokud nejsou nahrazena standardními seznamy přijatými konferencí smluvních stran podle odstavců m) až q
A Dictionary of Flowering Plants and Ferns, #th edition, (J. C. Willis, revised by H.K. Airy Shaw, #, Cambridge University Press) til slægtssynonymer, der ikke er nævnt i The Plant-Book, indtil de afløses af standardchecklister vedtaget af konferencen mellem konventionens parter, jf. nedenstående litra m) til q
ιγ) A Dictionary of Flowering Plants and Ferns, #th edition (J. C. Willis, revised by H. K. Airy Shaw, #, Cambridge University Press) για συνώνυμα γενών μη αναφερόμενα στο The Plant Book, εκτός εάν επικαλύπτονται από πρότυπους καταλόγους εγκεκριμένους από τη διάσκεψη των μερών της σύμβασης σύμφωνα με τα αναφερόμενα στις παρακάτω παραπομπές ιδ) έως ιζ
A Dictionary of Flowering Plants and Ferns, #th edition (J. C. Willis, revised by H. K. Airy Shaw, #, Cambridge University Press) for generic synonyms not mentioned in The Plant Book, unless they are superseded by standard checklists adopted by the Conference of the Parties as referenced in paragraphs (m) to (q
A Dictionary of Flowering Plants and Ferns, #th edition (J. C. Willis, toimetaja H. K. Airy Shaw, #, Cambridge University Press): raamatus The Plant Book nimetamata perekondade sünonüümid, v.a osaliste konverentsil kinnitatud, punktides m-q esitatud nimeloendid
A Dictionary of Flowering Plants and Ferns, #th edition (J. C. Willis, revised by H. K. Airy Shaw, #, Cambridge University Press): sukujen nimien synonyymit, joita ei ole mainittu teoksessa The Plant Book, paitsi jos ne korvataan jäljempänä m-q kohdassa tarkoitetuilla sopimuspuolten konferenssin hyväksymillä nimiluetteloilla
A Dictionary of Flowering Plants and Ferns, #e édition (J. C. Willis, révisé par H. K. Airy Shaw, #, Cambridge University Press) pour les synonymes génériques ne figurant pas dans The Plant-Book, à moins qu
A Dictionary of Flowering Plants and Ferns, #. kiadás (J. C. Willis, átnézte H. K. Airy Shaw, #, Cambridge University Press) A Plant Book-ban nem szereplő génusz-szinonimák esetében, kivéve ha azokat a Részes Felek Konferenciája az m)-q) bekezdésekben említett módon szabványos névsorral helyettesítette
A Dictionary of Flowering Plants and Ferns, #th edition (J.C. Willis, revised by H.K. Airy Shaw, #, Cambridge University Press) per i sinonimi generici non citati in The Plant Book, qualora non sostituiti da elenchi standard adottati dalla Conferenza delle Parti, come indicato di seguito alle lettere da m) a q
A Dictionary of Flowering Plants and Ferns, #th edition (J. C. Willis, revised by H. K. Airy Shaw, #, Cambridge University Press)-dėl knygoje The Plant Book nepaminėtų genčių sinonimų, jei jų nepakeičia m-q punktuose minimi Konvencijos šalių konferencijos priimti etaloniniai katalogai
A Dictionary of Flowering Plants and Ferns, #th edition (J. C. Willis, revised by H. K. Airy Shaw, #, Cambridge University Press) attiecībā uz grāmatā The Plant Book neminētiem ģinšu sinonīmiem, ja vien tie nav aizstāti ar standarta pārbaudes sarakstiem, kas pieņemti dalībvalstu konferencē, kā minēts m) līdz q) punktā
A Dictionary of Flowering Plants and Ferns, għas-sinonimi ġeneriċi mhux imsemmija f
A Dictionary of Flowering Plants and Ferns, achtste editie (J.C. Willis, herzien door H.K. Airy Shaw, #, Cambridge University Press) voor niet in The Plant Book genoemde generieke synoniemen, tenzij deze zijn achterhaald door de hierna onder m) tot en met q) genoemde, door de conferentie der partijen aangenomen standaard-checklists
A Dictionary of Flowering Plants and Ferns, wydanie # (J. C. Willis, w zmienionej wersji H. K. Airy Shaw, #, Cambridge University Press) dla synonimów rodzajowych nieuwzględnionych w
A Dictionary of Flowering Plants and Ferns, #th edition (J. C. Willis, revised by H. K. Airy Shaw, #, Cambridge University Press) para os sinónimos genéricos não mencionados no The Plant Book, até serem substituídos pelas listas-padrão adoptadas pela Conferência das Partes como referido nas alíneas m) a q
A Dictionary of Flowering Plants and Ferns, a opta ediție (J.C. Willis, revizuită de H. K. Airy Shaw, #, Cambridge University Press) pentru sinonimele generice care nu sunt menționate în The Plant Book, cu condiția să nu fie înlocuite de listele standard de control adoptate de conferința părților la convenție, la care se face trimitere la literele (m) – (q
A Dictionary of Flowering Plants and Ferns, #. vydanie (J. C. Willis, revidoval H. K. Airy Shaw, #, Cambridge University Press) pre rodové synonymá, ktoré nie sú uvedené v The Plant Book, pokiaľ nebudú nahradené štandardnými katalógmi prijatými konferenciou zmluvných strán dohovoru, ako je uvedené v odsekoch m) až q
A Dictionary of Flowering Plants and Ferns, #. izdaja (J. C. Willis, dopolnil H. K. Airy Shaw, #, Cambridge University Press) za rodovne sinonime, ki niso navedeni v The Plant Book, razen če so nadomeščeni s standarnimi kontrolnimi seznami, ki jih sprejme Konferenca pogodbenic, kot je navedeno v odstavkih (m) do (q
A Dictionary of Flowering Plants and Ferns, åttonde utgåvan (J. C. Willis, reviderad av H. K. Airy Shaw, #, Cambridge University Press). Om synonyma släktnamn ej angivna i The Plant-Book, till dess att de ersätts av standardförteckningar antagna av konventionsparternas konferens enligt hänvisningar nedan i punkterna m-q


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