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Author: EuroParl2021


Вж. например Венецианската комисия към Съвета на Европа „Respect for democracy, human rights and the rule of law during states of emergency — reflections“, 26 май 2020 г., CDL-PI (2020) 005rev.
Viz například Benátská komise Rady Evropy, „Respektování demokracie, lidských práv a právního státu během nouzového stavu – úvahy“, 26. května 2020, CDL-PI(2020)005rev.
Βλέπε, για παράδειγμα, το έγγραφο της Επιτροπής της Βενετίας του Συμβουλίου της Ευρώπης με τίτλο «Respect for democracy, human rights and the rule of law during states of emergency – Reflections», της 26ης Μαΐου 2020, CDL-PI(2020)005rev.
See for example the Council of Europe’s Venice Commission “respect for democracy, human rights and the rule of law during states of emergency – reflections”, 26 May 2020, CDL-PI(2020)005rev.
Véase, por ejemplo, Respect for Democracy, Human Rights and the Rule of Law During States of Emergency – Reflections, de la Comisión de Venecia del Consejo de Europa, 26 de mayo de 2020, CDL-PI(2020)005rev.
Voir par exemple le rapport de la Commission de Venise du Conseil de l’Europe intitulé «Respect de la démocratie, des droits de l’homme et de l’état de droit en situation d’état d’urgence: réflexions», 26 mai 2020, CDL-PI(2020)005rev.
Vidjeti, na primjer, dokument Venecijanske komisije Vijeća Europe „Respect for democracy, human rights and the rule of law during states of emergency – reflections” (Poštovanje demokracije, ljudskih prava i vladavine prava tijekom izvanrednih stanja – razmatranja), 26. svibnja 2020., CDL-PI(2020)005rev.
Lásd például: az Európa Tanács Velencei Bizottsága, „Respect for democracy, human rights and the rule of law during states of emergency – reflections” (A demokrácia, az emberi jogok és a jogállamiság tiszteletben tartása szükséghelyzetekben – megfontolások), 2020. május 26., CDL-PI(2020)005rev.
Žr., pavyzdžiui, 2020 m. gegužės 26 d. Europos Tarybos Venecijos komisijos dokumentą „Svarstymai dėl pagarbos demokratijai, žmogaus teisėms ir teisinės valstybės principams nepaprastosios padėties metu“, CDL-PI(2020)005rev.
Sk., piemēram, Eiropas Padomes Venēcijas komisija “Respect for democracy, human rights and the rule of law during states of emergency – reflections”, 2020. gada 26. maijs, CDL-PI(2020)005rev.
Ara pereżempju l-Kummissjoni ta’ Venezja tal-Kunsill tal-Ewropa “respect for democracy, human rights and the rule of law during states of emergency – reflections”, is-26 ta’ Mejju 2020, CDL-PI(2020)005rev.
Zie bijvoorbeeld het verslag “Respect for democracy, human rights and the rule of law during states of emergency – reflections” van de Commissie van Venetië van de Raad van Europa van 26 mei 2020, CDL-PI(2020)005rev.
Zob. na przykład Komisja Wenecka Rady Europy, „Respect for democracy, human rights and the rule of law during states of emergency – reflections” [„Poszanowanie demokracji, praw człowieka i praworządności w stanach wyjątkowych – refleksje”], 26 maja 2020 r. CDL-PI(2020)005rev.
Ver, por exemplo, o documento da Comissão de Veneza do Conselho da Europa – Respect for democracy, human rights and the rule of law during states of emergency – reflections [O respeito da democracia, dos direitos humanos e do Estado de direito durante os estados de emergência: reflexões], de 26 de maio de 2020, CDL-PI(2020)005rev.
A se vedea, de exemplu, documentul Comisiei de la Veneția a Consiliului Europei, „Respect for democracy, human rights and the rule of law during states of emergency – reflections”, 26 mai 2020, CDLPI(2020)005rev.
Pozri napríklad dokument Benátskej komisie Rady Európy „Dodržiavanie demokracie, ľudských práv a zásad právneho štátu počas núdzových stavov – úvahy“ z 26. mája 2020, CDL-PI(2020)005rev.


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