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Mae'n rhaid imi bwysleisio bod y penderfyniad i weithredu'r protocol sy'n ymwneud ag ystyriaethau difrifol yn Abertawe'n codi o'r arolygiad ar wasanaethau plant, ac nid o'r adolygiad amlasiantaeth ar achosion difrifol a wnaethpwyd gan y bwrdd diogelu plant lleol, sy'n rhoi sylw i'r gwersi y mae'n rhaid eu dysgu o farwolaeth drasig Aaron Gilbert.
I must emphasise that the decision to invoke the protocol for managing serious concerns in Swansea arises from the inspection of children's services, and not the multi-agency serious case review undertaken by the local safeguarding children board, which addresses the lessons that need to be learned from the tragic death of Aaron Gilbert.


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