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As for the old Sundial, who was an extremely remarkable individual, and had once told the time of day to no less a person than the Emperor Charles V. himself, he was so taken aback by the little Dwarf's appearance, that he almost forgot to mark two whole minutes with his long shadowy finger, and could not help saying to the great milk-white Peacock, who was sunning herself on the balustrade, that every one knew that the children of Kings were Kings, and that the children of charcoal-burners were charcoal- burners, and that it was absurd to pretend that it wasn't so; a statement with which the Peacock entirely agreed, and indeed screamed out, 'Certainly, certainly,' in such a loud, harsh voice, that the gold-fish who lived in the basin of the cool splashing fountain put their heads out of the water, and asked the huge stone Tritons what on earth was the matter.
El viejo reloj de sol, que era un personaje muy notable y había indicado las horas del día a no menor persona que el emperador Carlos V, se quedó tan azorado ante el aspecto del Enanito que casi se olvidó de mover su largo dedo de sombra durante dos minutos y no pudo menos de decirle al pavo real blanco, color de leche, el cual tomaba el sol en la balaustrada, que todo el mundo sabía que los hijos de reyes eran reyes y que los hijos de carboneros eran carboneros, y que era cosa absurda pretender lo contrario; afirmación a la cual asintió de buen grado el pavo real y hasta gritó: «Ciertamente, ciertamente», con voz tan aguda y desagradable, que los peces dorados que vivían en el tazón de la fresca fuente borbotante, sacaron las cabezas del agua y preguntaron a los enormes tritones de piedra qué diablos pasaba en tierra.


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