Besonderhede van voorbeeld: 3496061016501115931


Author: Common crawl


Epigenomics ist ein Molekulardiagnostik-Unternehmen mit einem Schwerpunkt auf der Entwicklung neuartiger Produkte für die Krebsdiagnostik.
Epigenomics’ product portfolio contains the CE-marked IVD test Epi proColon, the world’s first regulatory cleared molecular diagnostic test for the detection of colorectal cancer in blood that is based on the biomarker Septin9, and further proprietary DNA methylation biomarkers and IVD products at various stages of development for colorectal, lung and prostate cancer. For development and global commercialization of IVD test products, Epigenomics pursues a dual business strategy in which direct commercialization of proprietary diagnostic test products is combined with non-exclusive licensing to diagnostic industry players with broad customer access.


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