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A sharp crisis in the party broke out the winter of 1923-24 over the combined issues of party democracy and industrialization. The "New Economic Policy" of cooperation with the peasantry had led to the emergence of a strong kulak (rich peasant) element in the countryside which was increasingly conscious of its bourgeois interests in opposition to the Soviet government, while industry continued to grow at a "snail's pace"; at the same time Stalin was running the party as a private fiefdom through the system of appointed secretaries.
결국 당내 민주주의와 공업화 전략의 쟁점이 결합되어 1923년과 1924년 사이의 겨울에 당은 격심한 위기에 휩싸였다. 농민과의 협력을 내건 "신경제정책"은 농촌에서 부농을 등장시켰다. 이들은 자신의 부르주아적 이해를 더욱 자각하면서 소비에트 정부에 저항했으며 공업은 계속해서 "달팽이 걸음"으로 성장하고 있었다.


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