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For example, Stephen Walker has argued that while minority nationalities were denied power at the Union level, confronted by a culturally-destabilizing form of economic modernization and subjected to a certain amount of Russification, they were at the same time strengthened by several policies pursued by Soviet regime (such as indigenization of leadership, support for local languages and so on) which over time created conscious nations.
예를 들어, 스티븐 워커는 소수민족은 연방 차원에서 힘을 아에 잃어버렸고 문화적으로 불안정한 형태로 경재적 근대화를 맞이했으며 일정 수준으로 러시아화 되었으나 소련의 몇 가지 정책들(토착민족 지도자 승인, 현지어 지원)에 힘입어 의식적인 내셔널리즘을 만들었다고 주장한다.


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